Lying Dog Faced Pony Soldier March 4, 2021/ Uncategorized

Some readers might recall that the curious phrase used as the title of this essay, “Lying dog faced pony soldier,” was spoken by candidate Joe Biden. It was directed at a young woman that had the temerity to ask him a mildly critical question. It’s true. He really said that. Don’t believe me? Here’s the link to the video:

So, “LYING DOG FACED PONY SOLDIER!” was, incontestably, uttered by our now illustrious president. Like something you might hear from a bully in a school yard.

But, what, exactly IS a “lying dog faced pony soldier?” Hard to say, isn’t it? “dog faced” would, I guess, be a poorly veiled way to call her ugly (have you EVER heard a Presidential candidate call a young lady “ugly” to her face?… I didn’t think so). But “pony soldier?” That doesn’t even make sense. I think it’s obvious, however, that it wasn’t meant as a compliment. And, realize that this bizarre sobriquet was not some sports related “trash talk.” It wasn’t street slang from a loudmouth hoodlum. It wasn’t “tit for tat” in response to being called a name by her. It wasn’t even even one of the umpteen disgusting “comments” posted online by hostile internet trolls. No, amazingly, it was spoken to a young woman, TO HER FACE, during a “town hall” style campaign event by a candidate for our nation’s highest office. (And, by the way, if you thought it had been spoken by candidate Donald Trump, it WASN’T. Although Mr. Trump is not above denigrating appellations, either, he does NOT generally direct them, IN PERSON, at an individual in attendance, especially a young and perhaps somewhat vulnerable lady). No, this insult was flung into the face of a young town hall attendee who’s “offense” was to merely ask a valid question. And this outburst was NOT unusual for the foul mouthed former veep. Readers might remember the apotheosis of his crude insolence on display during the first 2020 presidential debate. In that debate, Biden referred, at the podium, to his opponent, PRESIDENT Trump, standing just twelve feet away, amazingly, as a “FOOL,” a “CLOWN,” and “PUTIN’S PUPPY.” One would have hoped that, regardless of his personal opinion of Mr. Trump, that he would at least have had a modicum of respect for the OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENCY…. Apparently, not.

Which brings us to the theme of this essay: where, in the world, has decorum in public life gone? Can anyone imagine, just 32 short years ago, Ronald Reagan EVER using such language? Can anyone imagine, 25 years before that, John F. Kennedy EVER using such language? For that matter, can anyone even imagine Bill Clinton doing so, either? All of these individuals, political creatures to the core, had a sense of decorum that seems to have gone missing in action.

And, not only are insults all the rage, profanity seems to be de rigueur as well. And, in the recent eruption of expletives, one expletive seems to have taken pride of place. During the 2020 campaign, references were made, again and again (exclusively, according to my recollection, by Democrats, appealing, apparently, to their rude and crude “base”), to the act of human reproduction. Yes, that’s right. F-bomb expletives were in high fashion! That doyen of decorum, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, referring to President Trump, declared, demurely, that: “we’ll impeach that motherf**ker!” WHAT A LADY! Then, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, apparently at a loss for her own distinctive verbiage, parroted the eloquent Ms. Waters, repeating “we’ll impeach the motherf**ker!” too. Failed Democrat senate candidate (and one time arrested burglar) Beto O’Rourke was more direct: “f**k” or “f**ker” became his favorite turn of phrase, using them in nearly every other sentence. Even the usually slightly more reserved Senator from New York State, Kirsten Gillibrand, was inspired to tell her audience that “if we’re not helping people, we should go the f**k home.” Referring to her speech, even CNN was moved to say that the Senator “took on a bold tone” during her speech…. “Bold tone?”… Please!

And, let’s not forget our beloved Hollywood luminaries. Not so funny “comedienne” Samantha Bee, for example, referred to Ivanka Trump as a “feckless c**t!” In September 2019, actor Robert De Niro, on the Brian Selter show, responded in a novel way to criticisms from Fox News about his offensive language directed at President Trump. His thoughtful response: “F**k ‘em! F**k ‘em!” he replied with relish. I guess he settled THAT matter straight away! And, not to be outdone by insults in the form of language only, not so funny “comedienne” Kathy Griffith decided to insult candidate Trump in a new and creative way: by holding up a decapitated effigy of him by the hair, with blood dripping over his face for an especially nice effect. She was mystified, subsequently, to learn even Democrats found this offensive – or at least claimed they did.

Joining insults and profanity, childish braggadocio is also in fashion. During the 2016 campaign, numerous poorly veiled references were made… to the size of male genitalia! By doing so, they elevated political discourse to new heights! And, not all the political bragging was sexual, either. Biden, during his long and undistinguished career has made numerous references to his academic prowess. At one point, he actually told a reporter: “I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you.” (Nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah!) But, not only were his many remarks unseemly, as they were in this case, they were often FALSE. He frequently claimed to have finished in the top half of his law school class at Syracuse University. Sadly, for him, as the Los Angeles Times reported, he was “near the bottom.” And, he seems to have forgotten those pesky accusations of plagiarism. None the less, his bragging went on and on.

So, ladies and gentlemen, decorum in America’s public square, seems to have gone the way of the “horse and buggy.” Makes you kind of long for the “olden days,” doesn’t it?

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