Easter And Passover Greetings, 2022

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ April 18, 2022/ Uncategorized

Dear Family And Friends, For this year’s Easter and Passover Greetings, I would like to quote a passage from poet and songwriter Leonard Cohen. The passage is not meant to be represent Christian teaching or even ecclesiastical commentary, but rather a meditation on Jesus Christ. Leonard Cohen described himself as a “Sabbath observant Jew” who none-the-less had a deep affinity

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They Don’t Dare Say It

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ April 16, 2022/ Uncategorized

Dear readers, in a society where every form of profanity is commonplace, every type of insult is tolerated, and every manner of slander is encouraged, there is one phrase that’s absolutely verboten. Our media doesn’t use it. Our politicians don’t use it. Our writers and commentators don’t use it. Even our law enforcement personnel don’t use it. No matter how

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Rounds One To Twelve With Will And Chris

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ April 2, 2022/ Uncategorized

Not wanting to be the only commentator in the entire Western Hemisphere NOT to comment on the Will Smith/Chris Rock donnybrook, I’ve decided to throw my two cents in. In the unlikely event that the reader has not yet heard of the controversy, during this year’s Academy Awards telecast, actor Will Smith stormed the stage and slapped Master of Ceremonies

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He’s The Real Deal!

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ March 23, 2022/ Uncategorized

As I mentioned in my previous essay, “What Will It Take,” Russia, historically has had no shortage of brutal despotic rulers. I imagine that Vladimir Putin, reflecting on his country’s bloody past, must have felt a bit dwarfed by the towering dictators that have gone before, especially when it comes down to the murder of innocent people. In that regard,

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What Will It Take?

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ March 17, 2022/ Uncategorized

The civilized world, it would appear, is eternally threatened by “barbarians at the gates.” The Online Etymology Dictionary defines “barbarian” as: “pertaining to savages, rude, uncivilized.” The term was originally applied in classical times to invading tribes that were not Greek or Roman, and were said to be less “civilized” that the Greco-Roman citizens. The term has long been used

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Sixty Years And They Haven’t Changed

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ March 7, 2022/ Uncategorized

They haven’t changed. Not at all. While contemporary commentators have lauded the perfectibility of man, writers and poets have waxed eloquent on the spiritual growth of people, societies and countries, and political commentators speak of “a new era,” they haven’t changed. Though the world’s people gave a collective sigh of relief upon the collapse of the Soviet Union (and the

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The Key To Happiness

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ December 26, 2021/ Uncategorized

As many of you know, for years I have extended Christmas and Hanukkah greetings to my readers. This year I’ve decided to send everyone on my list a Christmas present…. No, it’s not a subscription to the “jelly of the month club” although the gift I have in mind is indeed a “gift that keeps on giving all year long.”

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COVID Vaccination, Part Three: The Ethics

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ December 3, 2021/ Uncategorized

It is sometimes said that the study of ethics is “philosophy’s illegitimate child.” I think the gist of that saying is to question whether the subject belongs properly to the discipline of philosophy or whether, ultimately, it is the true province of theology, i.e. religion. My own position is that although ethics is often associated with religion, it does not

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Thanksgiving 2021

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ November 26, 2021/ Uncategorized

On this day of gratitude and celebration, I, like many Americans, will take a moment to reflect. Although Thanksgiving is understood to be just that, a day of thanks, our increasingly secular society seems to be a little vague on whom we are thanking. While many of us can easily identify WHAT we are thankful for, it might be less

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