Inexplicable June 20, 2022/ Uncategorized

We all know that members of the human race do not, at times, hold beliefs that are completely logical and self consistent. Less than perfect reasoning is an undeniable attribute, at times, of being human. Wishful thinking, lore, superstition, non sequiturs, contradictions and the like have been part of human cognition since time immemorial. We also know that humans sometimes can, and do, act in illogical and bizarre ways. Having said that, the preponderance of irrationality on display in present day America, and, indeed, the world, is nothing short of breathtaking. There are just so many things happening that, no mater how you slice it, are logically INEXPLICABLE. Let’s look at some.

First, there is the glaring non sequitur whereby contemporary leftists claim that America is such a dreadful place despite the fact that hundreds of thousands of migrants (whom they welcome) yearly put their lives in danger in desperate attempts to get in to this “dreadful place.” The irony of such a position is, apparently, LOST on them. Inexplicable.

While on the subject of non sequiturs, we’ve got to include the millions of Muslims in India that are calling for execution of attorney and politician Nupur Sharma for “blasphemy.” It is claimed that Sharma “blasphemed” Islam by pointing out that the religion’s founder, Mohammed, “married” a young girl when she was six and CONSUMMATED the marriage when she was NINE. The gigantic irony here is that what Sharma described IS ATTESTED TO IN ISLAM’S HOLY SCRIPTURE, the Al-Hadith (Sunan Al-Nasa’i, book 26, Hadith 60, or in the English translation Volume 4, book 26, Hadith 3257). While such a deed is reprehensible, and greatly embarrassing to Muslims, it is a CORE ISLAMIC TENANT. That Muslims would be “offended” and call for Sharma’s execution because she referenced something in core Islamic scripture is… inexplicable.

Then there are the liberal and “progressive” homosexuals who claim fealty to the Islamic religion despite the fact that Islamic scriptural doctrine insists that homosexuals must be EXECUTED. (Sunan Ibn Majah 2561, Book 20, Hadith 29). Inexplicable.

Next, there are the astonishing calls from American “progressives” and leftists to “defund the police,” despite a massive increase in violent crime across our country. And, even more astonishing than that, is the fact that this absolutely crazy idea was and, in some quarters, STILL IS, given credence by Democrat politicians and their media sycophants, who have repeated it over and over again, in shameless pandering to the left wing of the party. Inexplicable.

Then there is the astonishing Democratic Party advocacy of open borders despite the massive influx of crime, drugs, human trafficking and disease that it allows. And again, more amazing than that, is the fact that our leaders and politicians and media, DON’T point this out. Inexplicable.

And, it’s also quite ironic that Democrats claim that it’s morally repugnant for the United States to secure our southern border, while claiming it’s morally correct for us to send billions of dollars to the Ukraine, to help defend ITS borders! (Thanks LRM) Inexplicable.

Next is the Democrat Party’s ubiquitous claim that it is somehow a “racist” and inordinate burden on minority citizens when we require proof of voter identity, when proof of identity is required to buy a bottle of beer or even a pack of cigarettes. Inexplicable.

Then there is the fact that, although US Naturalization Law requires that immigrant applicants swear an Oath of Allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, citizenship is routinely granted to immigrant Muslims that also profess that their ultimate allegiance is to the Islamic Umma (the international cadre of practicing Muslims) which recognizes no acceptable allegiance to ANYTHING ELSE. In essence fealty to both the Constitution and the Islamic Umma is IMPOSSIBLE. Yet, citizenship is granted to these people, none-the-less. Inexplicable.

Then there is the all too frequent irony that when some loudmouth “rap artist” is gunned down by other individuals from his own shadowy demimonde, everyone in the recording industry, entertainment industry and media, are ASTONISHED. This incredulity is professed despite the fact that many “rap artists” prowl around in a milieu of “gangstas,” drugs, violence and mayhem. Yet, everyone is still AMAZED by the deceased rapper’s untimely demise. Inexplicable.

One of my favorite examples of things that defy explanation, is all the young women who buy factory ripped jeans. Although such a practice doesn’t threaten to disrupt the American way of life, it still is quite ludicrous. It’s one thing to continue wearing a worn out item that, for what ever reason, you love, and are loathe to “retire,” but it’s quite another thing to purchase brand new garments ripped up for you AT THE FACTORY. And, although the distressed jeans might be purchased in order to signal that one is keeping up with current trends, that does not explain the trend itself. And, unfortunately, all those factory tears and rips, in my opinion, do NOT enhance the young lady’s appearance and yet you see them EVERYWHERE. Inexplicable.

It also shocking that many contemporary blacks, despite justifiable grievances about the nefarious history of slavery, continue to be attracted to the religion of Islam, despite the fact that Mohammed OWNED slaves (which is attested to both in the Koran and in the al-Hadith), and despite the fact that Islamic participation in the slave trade was GREATER than that of Western Europe and the United States Combined. The Islamic slave trade is estimated to have taken over 80 MILLION slaves, in aggregate, over some 14 hundred years. (Source: Mike Konrad in the American Thinker, 2014) Inexplicable.

It also defies explanation that American media, politicians and activists are more enraged by a three hour unarmed riot (which I concede was unjustified, illegal and down right stupid) in Washington, DC on Jan 6, resulting in the death of one unarmed woman, but they are NOT enraged by a 3 month, nation wide, rampage in the “summer of George Floyd,” 2020, that resulted in 25 dead. Further, it’s also ironic that liberals are enraged by the 1.5 million dollars of damage done to the Capitol Building in that riot, but remain quite unmoved by the over ONE BILLION dollars damage caused elsewhere throughout our country (including government buildings), by the George Floyd riots (Source: Axios Media, › 2020/09/16). Inexplicable.

Next is the “progressive” position in which they constantly stick up for the rights of criminals but claim that the human fetus has no rights at all, in some cases, such as the state of New York, right up “until the moment of birth,” which in my opinion is no longer abortion, but is, instead, infanticide. In essence, they protect the guilty but condemn the innocent. And there is nothing more innocent, on this earth, than a human fetus. Inexplicable.

And, for a cavalcade of inexplicables, we need look no farther than the United Nations. Get a load of these: Iran (in which women have essentially NO rights) is a voting member of the UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL, whose membership also includes Libya, Qatar, and Venezuela, countries that are not known for their “enlightened approach to human rights.” Also, without a hint of embarrassment, the UN Conference on Disarmament is now headed by NORTH KOREA!!!! (Source: Reuters). ALL of this, of course: INEXPLICABLE.

But, dear readers, perhaps the most inexplicable thing of all, is the fact that America is said to have elected, to the Presidency of the United States, and leadership of the free world, a senile, demented child fetishist that can’t even FINISH A SENTENCE. EVEN WITH A TELEPROMPTER in front of him. Now that’s TRULY inexplicable!

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