An Open Letter To Those That Are STILL Liberal Democrats June 5, 2022/ Uncategorized

Dear liberal Democrats, I would have thought that the last 18 months might have prompted a wholesale questioning and re-examination of your political and social opinions. And, perhaps, some of you may have done so. But for many, I understand, that that isn’t the case. To those, I would ask you to consider what has happened during the last year and a half.

To our world:
•The abandonment of our supporters and aides in Afghanistan, and their subsequent torture and execution at the hands of the Taliban.
•The “gift” of SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS of military equipment to the Taliban. (Source: CNN)
•The reversion of that country to a barbarian and draconian theocracy that executes dissenters and terrorizes women.
•The emboldening of Iran.
•The acquiescence to the fact that Iran now has enough enriched uranium (as of last week) to make a thermonuclear bomb.
•That an unfettered Vladimir Putin has attacked the sovereign state of Ukraine.
•That tens of thousands of innocent Ukrainians have perished in the conflagration.
•The emboldening of China that now is overtly threatening Taiwan.
•The emboldening of North Korea that is now firing off ICBMs again.

To our nation:
•Breathtaking inflation that, in essence, steals money from the middle class.
•The ascendency of “wokeism” that attacks everything that has made this nation great.
•The free-for-all at our southern border that has allowed untold numbers of criminals, militants, drugs and human trafficking to enter our country.
•Men competing against women in athletics.
•Men using women’s bathrooms.
•Children being sexualized in GRADE SCHOOL.
•Not just the tolerance (or even acceptance), but rather the GLORIFICATION of what used to be considered deviance.
•The glorification of tribalism that divides rather than unites us.
•The tolerance of astonishing amounts of violence in our cities.
•The amazing penal practice in New York City, and other jurisdictions, of immediately releasing arrested criminals without bail, allowing them to resume predation right away.
•The continued demise of meritocracy.
•The continued strangulation of free speech that is the bedrock of any free society.
•The continued denigration of police, who, ultimately, are our protectors.
•A President that embarrasses our country with gaffs, malapropisms, non sequiturs, and, sometimes, just plain GIBBERISH, often in front of teleprompters!

To our religion:
•The allowance, IN AMERICA, of the creeping progression of Islam, a religion that is antithetical to the moral precepts that have guided western civilization for 2000 years and our nation for over 200.
•The support for secularism, that allows for the ascendancy of atheism, a philosophy that, ultimately, renders human life meaningless.
•The reluctance to enforce or even to identify good and evil.

Though much of the above was in motion throughout the second half of the 20th century, what had been a slow creep back then, became, with the removal of President Trump, and the domination of both the House and Senate by Democrats, an avalanche.

So, after seriously considering all of the above, those of you that, somehow, are STILL liberal Democrats, I would say that if you are not ALARMED and REPULSED by what’s happened, I’m afraid that you are hopeless.

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