Proving The Unprovable, Part Two May 20, 2022/ Uncategorized

As indicated in my essay, “Proving The Unprovable, Part One,” from yesterday, the recently released documentary, “2000 Mules” by filmmaker, commentator and author, Dinesh D’Souza, makes a compelling case that the 2020 American Presidential election of Joe Biden, was tainted by fraud. In fact, during the movie he “crunches the numbers” showing that the election fraud existed on a scale large enough to have tipped the election from Trump to Biden.

The movie follows the investigation of the 2020 election sponsored by a voter integrity organization called “True The Vote.” (TTV). If you think the film might be either arcane or boring, having seen the film myself, I can say that it isn’t either. And, if you think that the film might be some kind of crazy “conspiracy theory,” (á la Alex Jones), I can also attest that it is not.

TTV was founded in 2010 by Catherine Engelbrecht specifically to increase the number of poll watchers and to support laws making voter registration and voting itself more secure. Although accused by liberals of Republican partisanship, the organization is actually non partisan, having proven themselves to be so, when they played a role in the overturning of REPUBLICAN McCrae Dowless’ Congressional victory in North Carolina in 2018. In that case, TTV was able to prove that Dowless had engaged in election fraud by filling in ballots himself.

The principle behind the TTV investigation featured in the film is that geotracking technology can be used to determine the location of individuals and can track the movement of those individuals over time. These movements can then be superimposed on a digital map. The digital map can also show the location of other features, including numerous ballot drop boxes. The system can, therefore, document whenever an individual visits a drop box.

Part of the TTV investigation was to determine if and when given individuals visit a drop box. I think it’s easy to understand that normal individual voters need only visit a single drop box. In some states family members and friends are allowed to deposit absentee ballots, so, perhaps two or three additional drop box visits might be the result of such absentee deposits which ARE legal. The TTV investigation found, however, that the average number of drop box visits by a single individuals in certain cities was TWENTY, and for some individuals it was MANY more. I think the readers can see that this makes it VERY unlikely that the multiple trips were for the purpose of honest voting. Another methodology concern might be that some of the visits recorded might not be actual visits, but occurred when the tracked individual coincidentally passed close to a drop box on their way to somewhere else. To counter these issues, the TTV study was specifically designed to use very stringent criteria. They tracked only people that visited MORE THAN TEN BOXES. In a addition, it was also required that the people they tracked also visited locations of Democrat activist organizations as well, corroborating the suspicion that they were Democrat activists. At length, the TTV investigators found that, even using these stringent criteria, major cities had hundreds of multiple drop box visit individuals, and that the average number of drop box visits by a single person was approximately twenty! (And the system revealed that many of the drops occurred in the middle of the night.) Such individuals are labeled as “mules” a term usually applied to individuals who carry illicit drugs for drug cartels – but instead of smuggling drugs, these “mules” smuggled ballots for the Democrat party.

The most shocking parts of the film, however, are the segments showing video images from security cameras focused on the drop boxes. These cameras, which are maintained by the individual states, show “mules” clandestinely STUFFING, literally, multiple ballots into drop boxes. Interestingly, many of the mules dropped the ballots using rubber gloves, and then immediately discarded the gloves afterward. And, amazingly, it shows that the mules often take PHOTOGRAPHS with their cell phones as they drop in the ballots. Why did they take the pictures? Proving the number of deposits they made is HOW THEY GET PAID!!!

Now, I’ve already read some of the VERY predictable responses to the above accusations from liberal “fact checkers” that dispute one thing or another about this investigation, and have lined up a number of “experts” who criticize various parts of the analysis. But, having seen the film and read what the so called “debunkers” had to say, I must tell you that I am NOT DISSUADED by their criticisms. And, dear readers, if you go to see the film, when you see the video footage of the mules in action, I believe you’ll feel the same way.

So, in conclusion, the case made by True The Vote and Dinesh D’Souza in this powerful film, is stunning evidence for widespread fraud in the 2020 presidential race, which I believe is the greatest American crime since the Assassination of John F. Kennedy. Please see this remarkable film and decide for yourself. If there is enough citizen indignation, leaders who have, thus far been complacent, might be goaded to take action in the criminal and legislative spheres. And to those that say we shouldn’t investigate the election further because it’s “over and done with,” I would counter that such thinking is akin to saying that “we shouldn’t investigate a murder because the victim is dead!”

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