Easter And Passover Greetings 2021

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ April 7, 2021/ Uncategorized

Dear Readers,

As we celebrate another year’s Easter and Passover, I think it appropriate to reflect on the role that our Creator has had in both our personal lives as well as in the experience of mankind.

As many readers will know, theism (belief in God) is not “fashionable” right now, especially among those who consider themselves “intellectuals” or “the elite.” Many of those atheists might be surprised to learn that atheism is NOT logically correct. The reason why it is not correct goes back to a very basic principle of formal logic: “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” In other words, just because you haven’t seen something (absence of evidence) DOESN’T mean that it doesn’t exist (evidence of absence), it just means that you haven’t seen it. For example, just because you haven’t seen angels DOESN’T mean, logically, that they don’t exist, you just haven’t seen them. In fact, there may be one standing behind you this very minute!

So, atheism fails to be logically correct. The most LOGICAL position, instead, is, of course, agnosticism, a term that might have different meanings to different people, but, ultimately, means that we simply don’t know God WITH CERTAINTY. And, I would concede this point to agnostics. But, despite being fully aware of the relevant logic, I, personally, DO believe in God; my belief is both intuitive and deeply reasoned.

By “intuitive” I refer simply to the sense that many people, myself included, have that there’s “something beyond” what we can see with our eyes and touch with our hands. This “sense” is deeply personal and really can’t be further debated, other than to note that, as far as we know, EVERY society and culture that has ever existed has had a concept of God.

The “deeply reasoned” aspect of my faith, on the other hand, revolves, ultimately, around the evidence of our Creator’s “hand” in the both physical universe and the life that dwells within it. The deeper one looks, SCIENTIFICALLY, into the mystery of creation and the mystery of the origin of life and its evolution, the more one sees evidence of DESIGN. This topic is, unsurprisingly, too vast to go into in any depth here, but I would refer interested readers to three fascinating yet very readable books on the topic by Stephen C. Meyer, a geophysicist that went on to take a doctorate in the philosophy of science at Oxford. Dr. Meyer, as readers will soon appreciate, is NO intellectual “light weight,” and his arguments are scientific, not theological. His books are “Signature In The Cell,” “Darwin’s Doubt” and “The Return Of The God Hypothesis,” all of which are available on Amazon.

In conclusion, I would like to leave you with a quote by no less brilliant a mind than Sir Francis Bacon, who, in 1625, wrote:

“A little Philosophy inclineth Man’s Mind to Atheism; But depth in Philosophy, bringeth Men’s Minds about to Religion.”

This is as true today as it was in 1625.

So, to the believers among us: Happy Easter and Passover!

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