AMERICA UNDER ATTACK June 6, 2020/ Uncategorized

Written in conjunction with guest writer LRM.

How long do Americans have to watch video footage of people burning our cities? How long do we have to watch masked terrorists assaulting innocent people? How long do we have to endure sniveling politicians and Hollywood elite make excuses for this behavior? We can no longer beat around the bush: America is under attack. And it’s being attacked not by a malevolent superpower, but by people within our country who would destroy our democracy and our way of life.

Despite all superficial appearances, the George Floyd riots are NOT primarily about police brutality or even racism. That’s the spin the left leaning media would have you believe, but it’s more pernicious than that. The real animus behind the mayhem is a desire to cripple our pluralistic democracy. Furthermore, it’s NOT primarily about President Trump either. He’s a target, certainly, but our way of life is what’s really at stake. The death of George Floyd is a catalyst for the preexisting anti Americanism that seethes in the hearts of the malcontents who call themselves “activists.” But, just WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?

Well, for one thing, they are surprisingly organized. There are reports of stockpiles of bricks and stones placed conveniently in areas of anticipated “need.” There is also evidence that they prearranged the availability of their own medics, attorneys and bail money. And, it appears that planning for all of this took place well in advance of anything that happened to George Floyd. Plans were hashed out and cities scouted AHEAD OF TIME. They identified where they could get bricks, paving stones and 2X4’s. The evidence of brick/stone and accelerant stockpiling was documented first by the Police Departments of Minneapolis and Kansas City, but has later been confirmed in more than a dozen cities, including New York City. It was probably irrelevant, however, where or when the triggering event occurred. These agitators KNEW that a racially charged incident of one sort or another WOULD happen (the collision of crime, race and law enforcement, spread across our vast country and given some time, could be counted upon, eventually, to deliver something controversial) and when it did they were poised and ready to run with it. Planning was focused on a number of cities with large restive minority populations and liberal ineffectual mayors. So, when the opportunity arose, they were all set. And, from a leftist point of view, the timing couldn’t be more perfect: they hope to use the chaos to impugn our President come November. They may even hope to goad the President into military action, thereby “confirming” what a “fascist” he is, again to be used to sway the election in November.

But again, WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? Well, Attorney General William Barr seems to have said it best: “They are a ‘witch’s brew’ of extremist groups.” He further specified that there were three types of participants: peaceful protestors, opportunistic looters, and political agitators. And this agitator group undoubtably includes Antifa, a cadre of fascists, of the leftist variety, that believes that the use of violence is justified to obtain their goal of overthrowing of our two party free market democracy. These subversives exploit aggrieved racial groups in the hopes of destabilizing our government. This is nothing less that sedition. In fact, it’s nothing less than WAR.

But, the reality of this conflict is obscured by many. Our gullible media has been suckered into making excuses for the disruptive and violent behavior of the “protestors.” They cover up the violence by rioters but not the police actions necessary to try to control them. As of June 3, for example, there have been thirteen deaths, almost all black, directly attributable to the protests (source: Tim Black,, Jun 3, 2020). Only one of these was the result of a police shooting, while 2 of the dead were police officers themselves. These sad statistics have been so ignored by the media, I’d be surprised if many readers are aware of them. But the protest related deaths are a reality.

Will there be more deaths? Undoubtably. And the majority of victims will likely be blacks, as will the majority of shooters. Could there be more deaths by police? Probably. But the deeper question will be: is it even POSSIBLE for the police to control a violent insurrection without hurting anyone? No, not likely. In the process, casualties will, inevitably occur. And when they do, our media will be right there to fuel the flames of indignation, prompting more protests, resulting in more deaths.

Our country is under attack by a surprisingly well organized and effective enemy from WITHIN. We need to look beyond the candlelight vigils and memorials to see the crow bar wielding ORGANIZED AND FUNDED THUGS exploiting George Floyd’s death in order to tear down our country. AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK. We need to fight back.

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