Democrat Agonistes May 15, 2020/ Uncategorized

The Democrats, for the last three and a half years, have lived, breathed and dreamt of only ONE thing. They have desired, sought after and coveted only ONE thing. From the time they open their bloodshot eyes in the morning to the time they enter into a restless sleep, they see only ONE thing: the removal of Donald Trump from the Presidency of the United States.

They have agonized. They have protested. They’ve encouraged their young to demonstrate (the so-called “resistance”). They’ve told their ranks to “push back” (against Trump cabinet members), verbatim, in STORES and in GAS STATIONS and in RESTAURANTS, no less. They’ve been quietly complicit in left wing and Antifa rioting. They have schemed to entrap him. They’ve plotted to impeach him. They’ve hired legions of vituperative prosecutors to accuse him. They’ve enlisted officials in the FBI, DIA and CIA to taint him.They have marshaled nearly every corner of the mainstream media to disparage him. They’ve enlisted academia to malign him. They’ve entreated parts of the judicial system to reproach and stymie him. They’ve investigated him AD NAUSEAM. The’ve spied on him, his aids, his supporters. They’ve had his allies like Roger Stone and Michael Flynn arrested on the flimsiest grounds and prosecuted. The’ve commissioned Hollywood celebrities to vilify him. The’ve energized comedians to poke fun at him. The’ve attacked his family. They’ve implied that his wife had been a “hooker” and that his son was “autistic.” They’ve criticized him for banning travel from China and then, in a unabashed reversal less than a month later, they’ve criticized him for reacting too slowly. They’ve done everything imaginable short of burning him in effigy on the Capitol steps.

In order to justify this breathtaking vendetta, they tell the American people again and again how IMPORTANT it is to remove him. How ESSENTIAL it is to remove him. How DANGEROUS it is to leave him in office. Inveterate lier Adam Schiff even claims that we could have avoided the COVID crisis “if ONLY” we had impeached him the way he had recommended. Michael Bloomberg said that another four years of a Trump presidency would be “DISASTROUS.”

They only thing they don’t say, and in fact CAN’T say, is “WHY?” WHY would the continued Trump presidency be disastrous? WHY would it be dangerous? WHY is it so important to remove him?

They try to avoid these very valid questions with a sleight of hand. Instead, of giving concrete reasons, they deceptively imply that the REASON he should be removed is SELF EVIDENT. Why, EVERYONE, just KNOWS he should be removed., etc. If pressed, they might say, “well, he said this, or he said that” or “wasn’t that speech ridiculous”, or “wasn’t that remark outrageous”, etc. But, what they WON’T be able to do is to impugn his record. They will try mightily to criticize his accomplishments, but in the end their legerdemain won’t wash. His record is an excellent one and stands as his incontrovertible defense. Accordingly, the Democrats, in this election cycle, will need to obscure that fact, and that will be, for them, a difficult task indeed. And so they agonize. And agonize. And agonize. In a future essay I’ll discuss what their strategy is likely to be.

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