The Wrong Conversation September 23, 2019/ Uncategorized

It is amazing to me how darned clever the deep state can be. They have a knack for turning our “national conversation” 180 degrees from where it should be. The latest flap over a so called “whistle blower complaint” (“catchy” title, isn’t it?) is a perfect example. Over the weekend the Democratic leadership and the ever obedient American media carped incessantly over a conversation President Trump had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Supposedly, a “concerned governmental official” (presumably in the FBI, CIA or NSA”) had access to the conversation and found it “deeply troubling”. The major point of “concern”, apparently, is Mr. Trump’s reference’s to an influence peddling scheme that Presidential Candidate Joe Biden and his son Hunter were involved in. The rumored allegation is that Mr. Trump “pressured” Zelenskiy to investigate Joe Biden’s role, while he WAS VICE PRESIDENT, in the firing of the Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin. As Ukraine’s chief corruption prosecutor, Shokin was investigating Hunter Biden’s involvement (together with John Kerry’s stepson Christopher Heinz, no less) in the Ukrainian company Burisma, the largest natural gas producer in the Ukraine.

These are BIDEN’S OWN WORDS describing his own actions:

“They were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, … we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, ‘You have no authority. You’re not the president.’ … I said, call him. I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. … I looked at them and said, ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch. He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.” (Verbatim from Biden’s own description of the event, reported by

Because it may be hard for the reader to believe that Biden would admit such an action in public, I recommend that readers watch the short video of Biden himself describing the incident. Use this link:

As one can see in the video, Biden, IN HIS OWN WORDS, admits, PROUDLY, I might add, to obstructing justice in the Ukraine, and using US monetary aid to do so.

Amazingly uninhibited by a jaw dropping double standard, the desperate Democrats and obedient media have seized upon Trump’s conversation as a call to arms for impeachment!! And the depth of the feigned vitriol never ceases to amaze! Adam Schiff, talking with CNN’s Jake Tapper:

“If the president is trying to browbeat a foreign leader into doing something illicit, that is providing dirt on his opponent during a presidential campaign, then impeachment may be the only remedy that is coequal to the evil that conduct represents.” (@cnn.stou) “Evil”, Mr. Schiff? “EVIL!”? The President discussing an Biden’s illegal activities while Vice President and which Biden proudly admitted IN HIS OWN WORDS, is “Evil”? Do you expect us to BELIEVE that?… Have you lost your mind?… Has your Democratic Party lost their minds?… Has the obsequious media lost their minds????

No, actually they HAVEN’T lost their minds. All of this, of course, is subterfuge. Smoke and mirrors to distract America. And, the most clever aspect is that, by invoking “whistle blower” statues, the Democrats can hope to avoid charges of LEAKING, which would otherwise be leveled forthwith.

So, the deep state is, cleverly, trying to steer America, yet again, into the WRONG conversation. Instead of focusing on Mr. Trump’s phone call and the ever present questions of impeachment, America SHOULD be focusing on the real issues here, which are two:

  1. Biden, while Vice President, threatened (self admittedly, on camera) to withhold ONE BILLION DOLLARS of US aid to Ukraine in order to stop Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin’s investigation of his son, Hunter, thereby obstructing justice in that country.
  2. There are STILL deep state operatives lurking in the shadows of our government who continue to have access to the President’s confidential conversations with foreign leaders. Make no mistake about this, “whistle blower” verbiage not withstanding, this case is a fancy way to leak sensitive and classified information and is a violation of several legal statutes, among them: Section 793 of the Espionage Act: “It is a federal crime, punishable by imprisonment for up to 10 years, to disclose classified information relating to U.S. or foreign communications intelligence activities.”

THIS, is the conversation America should be having. Spread the word!

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