Snippets 8/15/19 August 15, 2019/ Uncategorized

Dear readers, what follows is short commentary on a number of recent events.

Having Fun With The NYPD

It took FIVE separate soakings of New York City police officers to finally garner ONE arrest! Apparently NYC’s resident hoodlums were so emboldened by mayor de Blasio’s milquetoast reaction to the first incident, several more hoodlums decided to have some fun with police officers. De Blasio not only neglected to condemn the first incident when it occurred, he took the opportunity to… you guessed it!… impugn President Trump. Mr. Trump had rightfully criticized the state of policing in New York City under de Blasio. De Blasio responded by claiming that Trump “doesn’t even live here anymore and doesn’t know what’s going on.” Four more soakings later, FINALLY an arrest was made. And even that episode might have been ignored had the assailant not followed the soaking by hitting the officer on the head WITH THE WATER BUCKET! Episodes like these, as well as many other wrongheaded dictates from the mayor’s office are why the NYC Policeman’s Benevolent Association members routinely show up at de Blasio’s presidential campaign engagements (even at out of state venues) to protest the man and display their utter contempt for him, his policies and his administration. De Blasio is NOT fit to be president. He is NOT fit to be mayor. Heck, he’s NOT fit to be DOG CATCHER.

Not Newsworthy

In my recent essay on America’s epidemic of multiple homicides (“An Epidemic Of Mass Murder” 8/7/19) I made the point that the perpetration of mass murder does NOT, of necessity, require gun ownership. I pointed out that there were many ways to inflict mass carnage that did not involve guns. Among these alternatives are knives, bombs, automobiles, poisoned water supplies, and others. As if to reinforce my point, a lunatic by the name of Zachary Castenada, embarked on a STABBING SPREE in Garden Grove, California, that left four dead and two more injured. This massacre received scant media attention, however, because it doesn’t fit the “progressive” narrative. Castenada is NOT white, NOT a suprematist, and did NOT use a firearm in his attacks. So, despite four dead and two wounded, I guess there’s nothing really newsworthy here.

More Mischief In Baltimore

The City of Baltimore has long served as a petri dish for Democrat social and urban management policies. Over the past 30 years this once great city has descended into poverty, crime and ruin. A couple of weeks ago President Trump rightly characterized the city as a “rat and rodent infested mess.” Although Trump’s phraseology was less than genteel, his characterization of Baltimore can not, unfortunately, be refuted. Baltimore IS a rat and rodent infested mess. But it’s not just rodents that are the problem. In addition to the disease carrying pests, the city is riddled with crime. This state of affairs is especially distressing to the Democratic political machine because it shows that their policies and practices, quite leftist and “progressive” in nature, are spectacular failures. But instead of acknowledging the problem and vowing to change their modus operandi and improve the situation, the Democrat establishment responded to President Trump with denial and name calling. They claimed that Mr. Trump was… you guessed it!… racist. One of the loudest and most vocal individuals “pushing back” against Mr. Trump’s accusations was Congressman Elijah Cummings, whose district encompasses most of Baltimore and its environs. He has called Mr. Trump’s accusations inaccurate and bigoted. Perhaps he should reconsider the virtues of living in Baltimore, however. Just a few hours after one of his diatribes against Trump his own home was BURGLARIZED.

Now, everyone unfortunate enough to live in Baltimore, with the possible exception of Congressman Cummings, knows that what Mr. Trump said about the city is true. And the saddest thing about the situation is that homeowners and businesses that own property in that city are TRAPPED. The houses and properties they’ve bought and maintained, and on which they had hoped to build equity, are now worth NOTHING. They can’t be sold at any price. These people can’t leave even if they wanted to.

In addition to denial and name calling, Democrat apologists claimed that the horrible state of affairs in Baltimore was the result of America just not spending ENOUGH money to rescue the city. To that claim, Housing And Urban Development Chief, Lynne Patton, pointed out that SIXTEEN BILLION dollars of aid WAS sent to Baltimore in 2018 alone. SIXTEEN BILLION! (The Baltimore Sun newspaper confirmed this estimate at, roughly, 15.7 billion!). Director Patton, asks, quite pointedly, “where did all the money go?” Where, indeed?

Guilt By Association?

One of the most astonishing narratives to surface recently involved the Jeffery Epstein case. After the news of Epstein’s arrest came out, liberal commentators immediately tried to use the case as a means to… what else?… impugn President Trump! The early reports tried to include Mr. Trump in the coterie of luminaries that hung out with Epstein, a billionaire who is now known to be a child molester and an all around profligate. They used pictures of Epstein and Trump together at various parties and social affairs (mostly in the 80s and 90s) to suggest that Trump is guilty by association. This narrative, however, crashed and burned quite quickly. Though Epstein was an acquaintance of Mr. Trump, he was an acquaintance or friend to dozens and dozens of the world’s elite. Among these were Bill Clinton, Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, billionaire Leslie Wexner, Harvard President Larry Summers, Nobel Prize winning Physicist Stephen Hawking, and many, many more. So friendship with Epstein, of and by itself, means nothing. What was under reported however, was that Mr. Trump had a falling out with Epstein, and, in fact, had BANNED EPSTEIN FROM THE TRUMP RESORT AT MAR LAGO IN 2011, after he learned of Epstein’s innapropriate behavior with minors at that resort. Not to be easily dissuaded, Trump critics then implied that he was a frequent guest on Epstein’s jet. It turns out that Mr. Trump had flown with Epstein only ONCE and that was a flight from Florida to New Jersey. Contrast this with Bill Clinton’s TWENTY SIX FLIGHTS, several without his security team. Heck, that’s enough to qualify for frequent flier miles! (Source: investigative journalist and anti trafficking activist Conchita Sarnoff). AND, it turns out that Mr. Trump had NEVER been to Epstein’s private island.

Biden Supporters?

There is an amazing video created by Campus Reform journalist Cabot Phillips and published by Gateway Pundit on August 1, 2019:

During the many many interviews of Biden supporters on the video, NOT ONE can name a single thing Biden’s accomplished in the 50 years he’s been in politics! And these supporters were interviewed AT A BIDEN RALLY! It’s a MUST SEE!

Elizabeth Warren LOOSES A VOTE

Initial reports on the Dayton, Ohio shooting implied that the perpetrator, Conor Betts, was a “white suprematist.” A closer look, however, at his social media posts, revealed him to be quite the leftist. In fact, in a straightforward passage online, he indicates that he would vote for Elizabeth Warren! Unfortunately for Ms. Warren, Betts was shot dead by responding officers 90 seconds into his killing spree. Warren, it seems, has lost one vote.

CNN’s Chris “Fredo” Cuomo Gets His Racial Slurs Mixed Up

Chris Cuomo, CNN Commentator and brother of New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo, was caught on video in a major meltdown with a pro Trump demonstrator. It’s another must see:

During his tirade, Cuomo takes umbrage at being called “Fredo”. While threatening the demonstrator multiple times that he would “wreck your s**t” (whaaaat?), Cuomo claims that “Fredo” is a derogatory racial slur aimed at Italians. Cuomo is so clueless, apparently, that he got his racial slurs mixed up. The anti Italian slur is NOT “Fredo”, as claimed. ”Fredo” is a proper Italian name, quite independent from the character of that name in the Godfather movie. The real slur is “DAGO”, you genius, NOT “Fredo”! During future tirades, Mr. Cuomo, please try to get your slurs straight.

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