Debate Shenanigans August 2, 2019/ Uncategorized

Dear readers, I must confess that, so far, I haven’t watched the Democratic debates closely. My plan has been to start watching when they whittle down the ranks of participants to single digits. I couldn’t help, however, taking a peek at some of the debate shenanigans that have drifted by on the Internet, and a couple of points are worth making.

First, it appears that the ranks of the Democrat candidates are so weak, and SO far to the left, that even Joe Biden is starting to look good!… JOE BIDEN!… I realize that such an appraisal must sound quite absurd. Biden is, after all, SO dim witted that in a battle of wits, he’d be unarmed. And, in addition to cerebral insufficiency, there’s the creepiness factor. Amazingly, Biden is STILL unable to conceal his inherent creepiness even while on camera. Just last week, while being filmed by multiple cameras, he planted a full mouth kiss on the LIPS of… his GRAND DAUGHTER!… GRAND DAUGHTER!… So, Biden continues to come off as a creepy dim wit. Not usually the characteristics of a winning candidate. But, Biden has one virtue: he appears to be less willing than ALL of the other candidates to dismantle the amazing and still growing American economy that is benefiting EVERY one in the land, being disinclined to replace it with socialistic agendas that have been discredited as failures the world over. So, even with that being his ONLY virtue, he appears to be emerging as a front runner.

Next, there’s Elizabeth Warren. After she blatantly ducked a question on whether her health care plan would raise taxes on the middle class (when asked, she mumbled a few things then quickly switched to a narrative about an unfortunate man with Lou Gehrig’s disease), at which point the audience had the temerity to chuckle at her evasiveness. Warren then promptly SCOLDED them saying “THIS ISN’T FUNNY!”… Well, Elizabeth, Lou Gehrig’s disease certainly isn’t funny, but an evasive and hypocritical candidate sure is. Once again she reminds me of nothing so much as a pedantic school marm berating her hopelessly juvenile charges for their abject stupidity. Does ANYONE want to elect a modern embodiment of that nasty nasty teacher that we all despised in the fifth grade?… ANYONE?… I didn’t think so.

Then, another thing should be mentioned about the charming Ms. Warren: dishonesty. She had previously demonstrated that she is a liar by claiming minority status on her faculty application to Harvard with absolutely NO EVIDENCE to substantiate that this was, in fact, the case. Last year, when confronted for her duplicity by critics, she claimed that she THOUGHT she was Indian because, get this, her grandmother once remarked that her “high cheekbones” were like those of Indians. This blatant deceit earned the enmity of Native American tribal leaders and conservative pundits throughout the land. She was eventually shamed into submitting to a DNA test that showed that she was no more “Indian” than you or I. So, you would THINK that she’d have learned a lesson from this embarrassing episode and resolved to stay a little closer to the truth in the future. But, if you thought this, dear reader, you’d have been WRONG. It appears that the woman just can’t STOP lying. During the recent debate, she CLAIMED that she went to “the border” and saw “babies in CAGES.”… Really, Ms. Warren?… Cages?… Might you have any EVIDENCE of your claim?… A photograph, perhaps?… No?… A witness, perhaps, to corroborate your observation?… No?… Did you forget to bring along your camera?… Loose your smart phone?… Did you think that NO ONE would call you on this?… Apparently, so!… Not only is this woman the reincarnation of that nasty teacher we all hated, but she’s a compulsive liar as well.

Then there’s Bernie Sanders who’s undeniably crazier than he had been during his last candidacy (and that’s SAYING something) just a few short years ago. Not only did he resort to shouting and gesticulating throughout the debate (his shouting was SO obnoxious, that fellow “progressive” candidate, Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan, was forced to respond by telling Sanders “You don’t have to yell!”), but he’s LOOKING CRAZIER AND CRAZIER by the minute. He’s got that wide eyed countenance of someone that needs hospitalization. And, the waving of arms and clenched fists didn’t help help either. But, what’s worse, scary visuals aside, is that what he’s SAYING (he favors giving felons the right to vote, CRIMINALIZING private practice medicine and raising taxes on the middle class) is just plain crazy, of and by itself.

And, speaking of Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan, America took disdainful note of his failure to place his hand over his heart during OUR NATIONAL ANTHEM. Worse than that, once it became clear to him that the nation was disgusted by this gesture, his excuse has got to be the lamest one since “the dog ate my homework.” Ryan now says that, get this, he WASN’T protesting!… How so?… He just FORGOT to place his hand in the right place, you see!… That’s it!… He FORGOT!… At least, ladies and gentlemen, he didn’t kneel.

Well, that’s a short recap of some of the debate festivities. Unfortunately, there’ll be more to come, I’m sure.

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