They Are EVERYWHERE, Part Two July 22, 2019/ Uncategorized

This essay is continued from Part One, posted on 7/13/19.

The next category of fakery to mention is faked RACIAL IDENTITY. Apparently, coveted minority status in America has become SO advantageous that people are actually faking it! Two examples come immediately to mind.

First is the presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren’s claim of Native American ancestry. Ms. Warren used this claim to bolster her chances of joining the faculty of Harvard Law School. The origin of this claim, according to Warren, was her grandmother, who once said that the young Elizabeth “looked like an Indian” because of her high cheekbones! Beyond that, however, she offered nothing. No genealogical records, no family photos, no keepsakes (perhaps a “peace pipe”, drum, or maybe even a tomahawk!) that might corroborate her claim. And, it turns out that the DNA testing she was shamed into getting revealed that she has no more native blood in her than you or I.

Then there is the rather amusing case of Rachel Dolezal, who FAKED HER RACIAL DESIGNATION big time! Ms. Dolezal, who is Caucasian, had ascended ranks of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) to regional director by…. CLAIMING TO BE BLACK. Although her minority status was without doubt a big help a big in her corporate advancement, her ruse began to unravel when she reported that she was a victim of several “hate crimes”. The investigation of these allegations, however, found that the hate crimes had been faked (this places her, actually, in TWO categories of fakery at the same time: fake victimhood AND faked racial identity!). And not only were the hate crimes fabricated, but the investigation further revealed that she was… WHITE. As confirmed by her (clearly white) parents, she had NO African ancestry what-so-ever. Apparently, she had darkened her skin with sun tanning and skin dyes, and had been frizzing her naturally blond hair but telling people that she had colored it blond. As a consequence of her fakery, Dolezal was fired by NAACP, but to this day, claims to “identify as black.”

The next category of fakery to note is faked investigations. The grand daddy of all of these is, of course, the Muller probe into collusion between Russia and Candidate Donald Trump. That “investigation” was based on false premises, was carried out using irregular and innapropriate prosecutorial techniques, and, in the end, found ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION.

A different type of fake investigation involves photo journalism. Ever since the camera was invented it has been used to document the ills of society as well as functioning as an instrument for social change. There’s no question that a striking photograph can sometimes make a social or political point better than a printed article or wordy essay. On June 21, 2018, Time Magazine printed a heart wrenching cover photo of a crying child photoshopped to appear in front of a grim faced Donald Trump towering over her. The snarky caption that ran with the photo said: “Welcome To America” The intent of the juxtaposition was, obviously, to imply that the crying child had been callously separated from her mother and that Trump was, of course, to blame.

A pretty effective piece of photojournalism, it would seem. Turns out, however, both the child’s father, Denis Hernandez, and a border control spokesman confirmed that the child was NEVER separated from her mother. The child was crying because… that’s what children do! A moment after the photo was taken, the girl’s mother snapped her up and both of them got into a van that drove away.

The last category of fakery I’ll discuss is what I term “Faked Derring Do”. There are many examples of this but my favorite is
Hillary Clinton’s claim that when she was on an official visit to the Balkans, she landed at a military airport in Bosnia and exited the aircraft “taking fire!” Wow! She must have had nerves of steel! Turns out, however, the gunfire was FIFTY MILES away, and nowhere near the heavily fortified area in which she landed! In fact photographs of her disembarking showed a smiling and relaxed Hillary waving to onlookers and hugging a child:

And, I think I’ll end with another bold faced faker, Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal. As you may recall, Blumenthal, during his Senatorial campaign, claimed, on SEVERAL occasions, to have served in Vietnam. Turns out that, although Blumenthal did serve in the military during that era, he never got NEAR Vietnam. In fact, he never left the United States! After an outcry by disgusted vets (that really HAD served in Vietnam), Blumenthal was forced to admit that he “misspoke.”
(“Misspeaking”, by the way, is “progressive” jargon for LYING).

In summary, it appears that America is suffering from an epidemic of fakers of many different varieties. There’s one priceless photo (doctored, obviously) that sums all of this up. It shows three faker candidates at the first Democrat debate.

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