It Gets Even More Weird May 16, 2019/ Uncategorized

Well, it’s been just about 24 hours since I posted the second part of my essay on the weirdos running amuck in the Democratic Party. But, in just that short interval, it seems that the miscreants continue to get even weirder.

First, that doyen of decorum, Rashida (“Impeach the motherf*r!”) Tlaib, continues to outdo herself. Reflecting on the horror that was the holocaust, in which six million Jews as well as six million others, were abused, tortured and heinously murdered, the ever compassionate Ms. Tlaib says that when ever she thinks about the holocaust, she gets, verbatim, a “calming feeling”…. “calming feeling?”…. “CALMING FEELING????!!!”… From an event that involved the misery and death of MILLIONS of innocent human beings???!!!… CALMING FEELING???!!!!…. Oh, for the love of God….

And, perhaps in some kind of attempt to walk that back, she claims that “Palestinians” offered persecuted Jews safe haven. A Palestinian SAFE HAVEN, for Jews??!!! This preposterous claim was quickly refuted by BOTH Israeli AND Palestinian scholars (source: Haaretz, 5/14/19). And, even non partisan Palestinian scholar Professor Benny Morris exclaimed: “She is either ignorant of history, or is a deliberate liar.” Not only did Palestinians not offer safe haven to Jews during the Holocaust, but Palestinian leader Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini met with Hitler, sided with the Nazis, and called for the killing of Jews ON THE RADIO. That’s SOME safe haven, isn’t it?

Then, shifting to a different reprobate, information on a youthful Beto O’Rourke resurfaced that gives the lie to his “progressive” bona fides. This material had come to light during his (failed) challenge to Ted Cruz’s Senatorial seat last year, but had been here-to-for kept under wraps during his current presidential run. It seems that O’Rourke, using the nom de plume “Psychedelic Warlord”, spewed much misogynistic and hateful nonsense during the 80s. He referred to “ultra trendy” women as “sluts.” Claimed that female fans of punk rock music “wanted to be abused.” That “skin heads” should be told that such women had “AIDS.” And, so on. And, during that time, he was a member of “The Cult Of The Dead Cow”, and wrote things that are just plain weird. Sample? How about: “Thrust your hooves up my analytic passage”? and other weird verbiage. Granted he was a teenager when he wrote most of this, but, quite a WEIRD teenager it must be conceded.

And, not to be shut out of the “limelight”, that brilliant political analyst, Ilhan Omar, in an interview with Democracy Now, acknowledged the the chaos and famine griping the socialist paradise of Venezuela, and, then, incredulously blamed their troubles on… AMERICA…. Yes, that’s right: on AMERICA. It’s OUR policies, NOT the socialist policies of Hugo Chavez and then Nicolás Maduro, you see, that has turned the most prosperous nation in South America into a famine strickened failed state. Of Ms. Omar’s analysis, Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, exclaimed: “The nicest thing I can say is it is unbelievable ignorance.” And, remember, this woman occupies a seat in the House Of Representatives.

And, because the current field of Democrat candidates for the Presidency is so sparse, yet another far-to-the-left pol has thrown his hat in. Mayor Bill De Blasio announced his bid today. Among his many achievements, De Blasio has completely alienated the NYPD rank and file, tried desperately (and failed) to kick the Central Park carriage horses out of the city, continued woeful mismanagement of New York’s rail system, continued woeful mismanagement of New York’s public housing authority (NYCHA) and, for the coupe de grace, managed to scare off a very lucrative (30 BILLION DOLLAR) investment in the city by Amazon Corporation. NICE GOIN’ BILL! With a record like that, a candidacy for city dog catcher might be within your reach. And, in a city of 4.6 MILLION active voters, it is a little known fact that only 726,361 (8.5%) actually voted for him (Don’t believe me?… Look it up!) And, it must be remembered, that that paltry showing was in one of the MOST LIBERAL cities in the world! How can he possibly think that he’s going to play well in Peoria?

Well, folks, what do you think? Are things getting EVEN MORE WEIRD?… So it seems.

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