Pathological May 10, 2019/ Uncategorized

Written in conjunction with guest writer LRM.

The Democrats are an obsessive lot. Under the “leadership” of Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY),the House Judiciary Committee voted along party lines to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress for not releasing the full unredacted Mueller report. As much as Nadler screams and hollers, however, Attorney General Barr is limited, by LAW, as to what he can and can not release. Neither Chairman Nadler nor Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, seem to understand that the citizens referenced in Mueller’s report have rights too, and the Attorney General is bound, by law, to respect those rights. Further, Grand Jury testimony must, for example, remain secret unless or until a recommendation to prosecute is made, and even then certain restrictions remain on what can be made public.

What the press and media have failed to even MENTION is the fact that Mr. Barr HAS OFFERED to allow Nadler and other key Democrats the opportunity to view the un-redacted Mueller report IN IT’S ENTIRETY in private. (Source: Byron Tau and Rebecca Ballhaus, The Wall Street Journal, 5/8/19). Further, the press and media also have failed to report that NOT A SINGLE DEMOCRAT has taken Mr. Barr up on the offer! Only Senator Lindsey Graham and a few other Republicans have done so. NO DEMOCRAT, however, has deigned to do the same! If they really were so desirous of the information contained therein, one would think they would have stopped by for a look in short order. It’s apparent, therefore, that they don’t actually want to see the full report because it’s unlikely that it will fit their narrative. Much better to make people think there’s some kind of conspiracy out there. Aside from harvesting the names of citizens that they can subsequently subpoena to badger into saying SOMETHING, ANYTHING, that might be used against Trump, there is little in the report that will be helpful to Nadler and the Democrats. This is why Nadler has demanded the COMPLETE report. Being a lawyer, Nadler KNOWS that the full report can NOT be legally released. And, as pointed out by Kimberley Strassel in the Wall Street Journal (Friday, May 10, page A13), by demanding the release of the FULL report, he guarantees that the un-redacted document will remain “under wraps” thereby keeping the allegation of “cover up and conspiracy” going. Shameful, isn’t it?

So, by now it should be clear to all that the principle goal of the Democratic Party is nothing less that the total destruction of Donald J. Trump, which they mean to accomplish by ANY means necessary. They’re content with running roughshod over law, the Constitution and the rights of any American citizen who stands in their way. The contempt of congress citation on Mr. Barr, like the confirmation hearing on Brett Kavanaugh, are only means to an end and that end is, simply, to “get Trump”.

The progressives’ hatred of President Trump is a deep, visceral thing. It goes far beyond Presidential policies and agenda. Although it’s been said that Trump’s only “crime” is that, without the “help” of the Democrats, he managed to get the economy going and the populace working again. And, while it’s true that some white supremacy groups have aligned themselves with Trump, the President has never aligned himself with these groups. By the way, I have investigated the websites of some of the prominent White Supremacist groups, most of which DON’T like Trump. Many of them seem to feel that Trump is too liberal, and, as one website put it, he let his daughter marry a “Jew Bastard” (Jarred Kushner). Fringe politics aside, it must be conceded that President Trump has done more for minorities in his first two years in office than President Obama did in two terms.

Yes, the Democrats hatred of Trump has grown into a pathological entity, far out of proportion to anything the President has said, done or can do. “We are facing a constitutional crisis” rants Nadler. But it is the Democrats’ unrelenting hatred that is threatening to destroy the workings of our government. “Trump Derangement Syndrome“ is a real and dangerous condition. Certainly President Trump is not the most likable person under the best of circumstances, but no president in history has been the victim of such intense personal hatred. Many people did not particularly like President Obama, but he was never treated like this. Perhaps it’s time for some group psychotherapy on Capitol Hill.

There is, in addition to personal enmity, however, another far more sinister explanation for the ferocity of the Democratic attacks on Mr. Trump. And it goes beyond simply being “sore losers.” The scary truth is that the Democrats/Socialists are done with the two party system in America. They really want just one party, one way of thinking, and one way of life—theirs. They don’t really want to engage in any discussion with the opposition, they just want to smother it. And, any speech that doesn’t support their “party line” they deem “hate speech”. And, their “rank and file” are encouraged to get personal and “in the faces” of the opposition in order to intimidate them. This does not sound like the America we know and love. It sounds like the early days of the Nazi party.

The Democrats are right when they say that democracy is under attack, but it’s not Trump and his supporters who are the assailants. It’s the Democrats themselves. They believe that the end justifies the means and that they’re on the side of the angels. And, this delusion, ladies and gentlemen, is not normal. It’s pathological.

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