Current Events MADE SIMPLE April 19, 2019/ Uncategorized

There are quite a number of current event issues swirling around in contemporary America’s public square. Most of these issues are treated by commentators, and the press, like they are the most complex questions ever asked by mankind. The dialectics of Socrates, the meditations Of St. Augustine, the mathematical theorems of Gödel, the mind vs. body dualism of Descartes, the conflict of freedom vs. constraint, the individual vs. the collective, the spiritual vs. the physical, the sacred vs. the profane, all of these issues pale in comparison with the “weighty” issues with which our society is now confronted. Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here to say that it’s NOT that complicated. Most of the most “challenging” issues and questions of our day can be answered with a sentence or two taken from the book of common sense. Let’s look at some.

1: Question: Does America need a border wall?
Answer: Of COURSE we do. (Anything of value, including our cherished way of life, needs to be protected from damage or theft).

2: Question: After two years of the most grueling investigation in the history of mankind, do we need more investigations of President Trump?
Answer: Give it a REST! (The idea that further investigations are apt to find something that the brilliant and extremely thorough prosecutor Robert Mueller MISSED is just downright stupid).

3: Question: Has the Mueller report exonerated President Trump?
Answer: It sure has. (In America, EVERY accused individual is INNOCENT until proven guilty. Because Mr. Trump was NOT proven guilty, he is, therefore, INNOCENT, and innocence after a thorough investigation is the definition of exoneration.)

4: Question: Must we, week after week, listen to anti American diatribes from the likes of Ilhan Omar, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Maxine Waters, Bernie Sanders and Rashida Tlaib?
Answer: Of course we don’t. (Enough is ENOUGH with these people!)

5: Question: Do we have to listen, again and again, to Democrats saying that border walls don’t work?
Answer: No we don’t. (Just look, ladies and gentlemen, at the Great Wall Of China: it was NOT built to span over 3,000 miles for nothing). (Thanks LRM).

6: Question: Do we STILL have to take CNN seriously?
Answer: Not any more. (Besides the considerable annoyance caused by their constant self righteous and sanctimonious screeds, their Viewership Ratings have tanked. The first week of April, 2019, for example, showed them to be in 15th place, below the Home and Garden Channel and the Food Network!)

7: Question: Did Russia interfere in our 2016 election to try to help Candidate Trump?
Answer: NO WAY! (Although it’s clear that they interfered, it certainly WASN’T to help candidate Trump. Why? Because NO ONE, including the Russians, thought that Trump could win. Their motive, apparently, was to sow discord in our country, and, to that end, they seem to have been quite successful).

8: Question: Do we STILL have to consider socialist policies to be viable economics?
Answer: HELL NO! (College students of America, PLEASE take a look at what happened to socialist Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba, and the USSR, just to name a few!)

Well that’s it for now. Current events MADE SIMPLE.

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