My Tricentennial, Part Three January 31, 2019/ Uncategorized

Dear readers, by ‘tricentennial” I mean not to refer to my AGE (although it sure feels like it sometimes!), but rather to the fact that I have posted over three hundered essays on this website.

The term “flor regium” is a Latin term that translates, literally, as “a bunch of flowers”, but its figurative meaning refers to a collection of selected quotes or passages derived from other works. A sort of “greatest hits”, if you will. So, ladies and gentlemen, to celebrate posting over 300 essays on my website, I present this “Flor regium” of excerpts. I’ll spread them out over four separate posts to prevent overdose. After each vignette I list the title and date, so the full essay can be found, if desired. This is the third post in a series of four. The individual vignettes are arranged chronologically. I hope you enjoy them!

Addendum: This Part Three was intended to be posted in October, 2018, when that milestone was reached. However, since being written, a large number of topics came up in November, December and January that literally “begged” for comment; the #WalkAway demonstration in DC, the midterm elections, the holidays and, finally, the border wall and government shut down, all of which I covered in some detail. I am, in fact, now up to my 335th essay, and, having addressed all of the topics mentioned above, I am now at liberty, finally, to post parts three and four of my Tricentennial. So, without further adieu, My Tricentennial, Part Three:

On March 28, 2017, I commented about an entrenced group of Obama appointees in our government laying in wait to attack President Trump:

The term “fifth column” was used in recent commentary by James Kallstrom, former head of the FBI under Bill Clinton. The term is attributed to sympathizers of Generalissimo Francisco Franco during the Spanish civil war in 1936. Franco sympathizers were said to bemoan that the fact that the insurgents had four columns of troops marching on Madrid and had a “FIFTH column” within the city ready to rise up and betray it.

In the present context, Mr. Kallstrom used the term, to imply that the Obama/leftist/”progressive” movement had left clandestine insurgents IN THE GOVERNMENT that are, in essence, traitors who are ready to “rise up and betray” our government! A very sobering thought, but, de facto, true. Mr. Sessions, Mr. Nunes and Mr. Gowdy have their work cut out for them. Pray they can work quickly. (The Fifth Column, 3/28/17)

On May 12, 2017, having been inspired by the Elizabeth Barret Browning sonnet, ”How do I love thee? Let me count the ways” I contemporized the sonnet to be written by President Trump to James Comey:

“Why should I fire thee? Let me count the whys.”
Mr. Comey, thou hast been quiet inept at monitoring and preventing domestic terrorism throughout the land.
Thou hast rewritten FBI manuals to cloud the fight against terrorism.
Thou hast shown no interest in investigating possible FBI complicity in the Garland, Texas attempted murder of Pamela Geller (as reported by 60 Minutes).
Thou hast failed to investigate properly the partisan IRS abuse of power under Director Lois Lerner, despite the fact that, then President Obama said he was “outraged”.
Thou hast failed to investigate the blatant obstruction of justice activities of Madam Hillary Clinton, who deleted 30,000 emails UNDER SUBPOENA.
Thou hast exonerated the wench despite her felonious mishandling of classified materials (the unsecured server), blackmail (Juanita Broderick) and influence peddling.
Thou denied that there was surveillance of Mr. Trump’s campaign despite evidence of, at the very least, indirect surveillance, with disclosures being printed in the NYT.
Thou hast not owned up to the lack of evidence implicating Mr. Trump in ANYTHING illegal.
Thou hast become increasingly fascinated by implausible tales of Mr. Trump colluding with Russia to to effect our election, thereby squandering valuable resources.
Thou hast proven derelict in thou’s duty to investigate the criminal leaking of information on Americans indirectly surveilled.
Thou hast been quite lackadaisical with the serial teller of tall tales, Susan Rice.
Thou cans’t not even keepeth the numbers of classified emails found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop straight.
Thou appears to have a predilection to speak when thou shouldn’t speaketh, and keep silent when speaketh thou should.
Thou giveth the impression of being the court jester.
Forsooth, thou is a hot mess

(A Sonnet For Mr. Comey, 5/12/17)

On this Memorial Day, May 29, 2017, my thoughts turn to those brave Americans who’s love for their country and fellow citizens was stronger than love of their own lives; those who have made, for us, the ultimate sacrifice. I am in awe of those brave souls, and offer to them this short poem in commemoration of their valor:

Vouchsafed For Us

They volunteer to go
where few will venture.
They walk to the door of terror
and then they enter.

Their hearts beat
with courage so strong.
With fortitude and stamina
they face the battle long.

Their character is the best
that anyone’s can be.
Their vision goes beyond
what you and I can see.

They strive to protect
our land, our home.
They strive to defend
their countrymen unknown.

They know what’s at stake.
No one needs to draw them a picture.
They have beliefs profound,
and each their own Scripture.

They overcome dread
and fear unbridled.
They walk with heroism
and valor unrivaled.

The ultimate sacrifice
they vouchsafe for us.
The ultimate price
they each hold in trust.

They know that our freedom
is, indeed, not free.
And for us, they look steady
into the eyes of eternity.

(Memorial Day, 5/29/17)

On June 6, 2017, I wrote about leftist violence in America:

Professor, Lars Maischak, of Fresno State University, recently tweeted: “To save American democracy, Trump must hang.” (The irony of that statement was, apparently, lost on him). And further, he added another flourish: “The sooner and the higher, the better.” He also tweeted that two Republicans should be shot for every alien deported. These calls for the assassination of our President were actually made in February but have received viral exposure only recently. While I doubt that Maischak has actually been out purchasing weaponry, his missives were NOT light hearted or meant to be comedy. He was clearly setting a “tone” or “atmosphere” in which violence toward our President (and other conservative leaders) might simmer and erupt. And, please note, this isn’t harmless fantasy. Attempts on the life of American Presidents are SHOCKINGLY common. NINE percent of American Presidents have been assassinated and attempts at assassination of our presidents have been carried out at an astonishing TWENTY SIX PERCENT of them. (see footnote following the full essay for the specifics).

The history of leftist violence at home and abroad is, in large measure, an untold story. We all SHOULD know of the horrific violence carried out, world wide, in the name of leftist causes throughout the entire 20th century. Leftist carnage in that century has truly blackened humanity’s soul. The death toll of NON COMBATANTS at the hands of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro and others can scarcely be comprehended (Wikipedia estimates 70 MILLION non combatant deaths. Other estimates are HIGHER!).

On July 4, 2017, I discuss voting requirements:

States like California do not mandate proof on citizenship! (Source: Anna Daniels, San Diego Free Press,12/5/16). All that’s required is that an applicant SAY that they’re a citizen. That’s it! Although the process involves the California DMV, the bottom line is: ”Say you’re a citizen and here’s your ballot”. Even worse, “progressive” courts in Kansas, Alabama and Georgia have actually STRUCK DOWN legislation by their states requiring such proof! The courts claim that it’s “unconstitutional”!

So, what is to prevent any number of non-citizens from voting? NOTHING, really. And how can states certify their results as genuine when they can’t prove the citizenship of their electorate?

“Progressives” immediately retort that there’s “no evidence” of widespread voter fraud. Well, of course, there’s not. But that DOESN’T mean that it didn’t occur. Non-citizen voters don’t show up at the polls with signs saying “Non Citizen Here!” or “Please Note: I’m an Illegal Voter”! Without the proof of citizenship requirement, there’s no foolproof way to even OBTAIN evidence. (What AreThey Trying To Hide?, 7/4/17)

On July 26, 2017 I quote from an excellent an excellent article by Evan Sayet on why he supports Presidenr Trump despite his foibles:

Ulysses Grant was a drunk whose behavior in peacetime might well have seen him drummed out of the Army for conduct unbecoming. Had Abraham Lincoln applied the peacetime rules of propriety and booted Grant, the Democrats might well still be holding their slaves today. Lincoln rightly recognized that, “I cannot spare this man. He fights.”

…So, to my friends on the Left – and the #NeverTrumpers as well — do I wish we lived in a time when our president could be “collegial” and “dignified” and “proper”? Of course I do. These aren’t those times. This is war. And it’s a war that the Left has been fighting without opposition for the past 50 years.

So, say anything you want about this president – I get it, he can be vulgar, he can be crude, he can be undignified at times. I don’t care. I can’t spare this man. He fights. (Summer Vacation/Why They Hate Him, 7/26/18)

On September 1, 2017, I rhuminated on the Orwelian concept of ‘newspeak” and its resurgency by contemporary “ANTIFA” actavists:

One of the most prescient leitmotifs in George Orwell’s dystopian masterpiece 1984 was the concept of “Newspeak.” Mr. Orwell showed how the manipulation of language was an essential tool of “Big Brother” (the totalitarian state). Orwell realized that changing the meaning of words was essential to control the masses. For example, “Joycamp” was a forced labor concentration camp. “Miniluv” was the secret police. “Minuplenti” was a government agency charged with maintaining a certain level of poverty. “Blackwhite” refers to the people’s willingness to believe that black is white and vice versa. Indeed, Orwell was right. totalitarian rulers NEED to control the way people think.

The premier advocates of totalitarianism in today’s America have learned Orwell’s lesson well. The so called “antifa” is newspeak writ large. The term is an abbreviated conglomeration (verbal conglomeration, by the way, as well as abbreviation is extremely common in newspeak) of “anti” and “fascist”. One would THINK, accordingly, that such a group would reject the fascist program. One would THINK that they would renounce violence. One would THINK they would renounce censorship. One would THINK that they would reject an all powerful government. One would THINK they would reject “thought control.” One would certainly THINK these things. But, it is becoming abundantly clear that “antifa” rejects NONE of these things. Expecting “antifa” to reject all of the above is “oldthink”. “Antifa” supports all of these aspects of fascism, but, somehow, insists that they are ANTI FASCIST! Newspeak indeed! (Newspeak And The Antifa, 9/1/17)

Also on September !, 2017, I had a little fun with racial profiling:

At Denver National Airport this morning, we were pleasantly surprised that the security line was moving MUCH faster than usual. As we got closer to the X-ray machines and metal detectors, we could see the reason the lines were moving so quickly. It was a DOG. Yes, that’s right: a DOG! The row just before X-ray had a demarcated runway for a working “sniffer” dog that patrolled the line of travelers. Although he hastened our cue, this innocent looking canine was also GUILTY of profiling yours truly.

As I walked into the last row, Mr. Sniffer Dog took one look at me, and proceeded to completely IGNORE me! Not even a SINGLE sniff! I must have looked so non threatening to him, that he couldn’t even get off his derrière to give me a “once over.” Am I that BENIGN looking that he couldn’t be BOTHERED to give me even a cursory investigation?

Well, so be it, Mr. Profiling Sniffer Dog! Next time I’ll wear a robed kaftan! And, for an extra touch, I’ll wear a kufyia on my head. That should get a rise out of him! (I’ve Been Profiled, 9/1/17)

On September 28, 2017, I discuss confusion concerning the First Amendment:

Many young people, and many leftist adults, seem to think that there is an exception to the protection of free speech for what they term “hate speech”, which, they feel, must be restricted. One can see immediately that such an exception would hinge upon what CONSTITUTES “hate speech”. Most observers would agree that determining what is and isn’t “hate speech” (such that it would pass legal standards) would be a very thorny problem, indeed. In practical terms however, hate speech is defined by these groups to be pretty much what ever they disagree with. Conflicts along these lines could, I imagine, clog our judicial system for decades.

Not to worry, however. In America, the First Amendment does NOT describe ANY exception to allow the limitation or prosecution of “hate speech.” In case law, the ONLY exceptions involve saftey (you do not have a right to falsely yell “FIRE!” in a theater) and incitment of violence or riot. Every thing else is permitted.

Now, on the other side of this coin, there appears also to be confusion as to what protections a person exercising his right to free speech has. Once again, young people, and leftist adults, seem to believe that the First Amendment allows a person to exercise his or her right to free speech anywhere without fear of repercussions or recriminations of any sort from any quarter. This impression is also INCORRECT. What the First Amendment says, is that the GOVERNMENT can’t make laws restricting your right to free speech. In other words, you can’t be arrested for it. It does NOT mean, however, that you can’t be fired for it, have your membership in an organization rescinded for it, or find yourself excluded from a given group or organization for it. (First Ammendment Confusion, 9/28/17)

On December 15, 2017, I considered the topic of sexual misconduct:

In today’s America, the term “sexual misconduct” can apply to everything from violent rape to the casual remark: “You look great in that dress.” Now it’s true that this wide spectrum can arguably be CALLED “sexual misconduct” semantically, because all of it pertains to something sexual and all of it can be considered a type of misconduct. The problem, however, is that in today’s America, perpetrators ANYWHERE on the spectrum get lumped together, and, as a consequence, may be subject to societiy’s maximum wrath. They may face societal opprobrium, civil law suits, career ending dismissals, criminal prosecutions, and more. The trouble is, that in cases of sexual misconduct, one size does NOT FIT ALL. (Shades Of Sexual Misconduct, 12/15/17)

On January 30, 2018, I discussed the need for immigration laws. In that essay I discussed the risk of a society losing it’s cultural identity to unrestrained immigration:

Now, these many and varied traditions and customs taken together with the artistic culture of art, literature and music, together with society’s religious practices, comprise what might be termed the “cultural character” of a society. Because all cultures have customs and traditions for dealing with life’s universal needs “progressives” maintain the liberal shibboleth that “all cultures are equal”. It should be acknowledged, however, that this is simply NOT TRUE. All cultures are NOT equal. Some are more brutal than others. Some protect the rights of women better than others. Some protect the rights of children better than others. Some allow for more upward mobility than others. Some provide better education than others. Some have a more equitable distribution of wealth than others. Some HAVE more wealth than others. Some take better care of the sick and disabled than others. Some allow more freedom of religion than others. I could go on and on, but the point is clear: all societies are NOT equal. If we allow substantial immigration from cultures wildly different than our own (and especially from cultures that either can not or will not assimilate) many off the things we cherish about our own society will be watered down or worse. It is extremely unfortunate that some Americans simply don’t see or acknowledge how rare and precious our society is. And how fragile. We MUST not take it for granted, and we must not let it be overcome. (Why Are There Immigration Laws?, 1/30/18)

Interested readers might want to look back at a recent essay (Chip On Their Shoulder Americans, 1/26/19) as I have rewritten portions of it in light of information that came to light after my posting and I have improved parts of it.

And, dear readers, I plan to show one more collection of essays in a separate post in the next day or two. After that’s posted, I will be taking a “sabbatical” for several weeks. To insure the necessary “space” for my sabbatical, I will temporarily suspend my website, Facebook, and phone service. I plan to restart all of these at the conclusion of my time off.

I use that term sabbatical figuratively, however. Normally, a sabbatical is a year long paid leave of absence granted to tenured professors designed to give them the opportunity to freely carry out research and study into topics of their choosing as a privilege of tenure. My sabbatical will be for travel and study, but will likely be only three or four weeks in duration, and, sadly, unless something quite unexpected occurs, will not involve any type of salary. Hopefully my recompense will be in the realm of experience, thought, ideas and understanding.

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