Reality Check, Part Two January 9, 2019/ Uncategorized

Two more brief thoughts on last night’s events:

If anyone had any doubts about the cluelessness of the current Democratic leadership, Chuck and Nancy, last night, ameliorated all of them. And, I’m not alone in this impression. Following the Democratic “rebuttal”, social media literally exploded with derrisive amusement. Some pointed out that Chuck and Nancy, side by side, had an uncanny resemblance to the elderly Mid West farmers in artist Grant Wood’s famous “American Gothic”:

Some thought they looked an awful lot like “disappointed parents”. Others thought they’d make a perfect Saturday Night Live skit.

Although these impressions may partially reflect the fact that Schumer and Pelosi were tasked with trying to defend an untenable position, no matter how you slice it, they did NOT look like individuals that should be the captains of the Democratic Party. On second thought, when you have screwballs like Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez , Maxine Waters and Elizabeth Warren waiting in wings, maybe they should REMAIN the captains of the Democratic ship, after all.

Which brings me to my second thought. Watching many commentators, on both “sides of the aisle” discuss the President’s speech, I wondered (in two years or six, depending) wether Lindsey Graham might, just might, be the one to follow Trump in the White House….

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