My Tricentennial (Part Two) October 22, 2018/ Uncategorized

Dear readers, by ‘tricentennial” I mean not to refer to my AGE (although it sure feels like it sometimes!), but rather to the fact that I have posted over three hundred essays on this website.

The term “flor regium” is a Latin term that translates, literally, as “a bunch of flowers”, but its figurative meaning refers to a collection of selected quotes or memorable passages derived from other works. A sort of “greatest hits”, if you will. So, ladies and gentlemen, to celebrate posting over 300 essays, I present this “Flor regium” of excerpts. I’ll spread them out over four separate posts to prevent overdose. After each vignette I list the title and date, so the full essay can be found, if desired. This is the second post in a series of four. The individual vignettes are arranged chronologically. I hope you enjoy them!

On September 27, 2016, I recalled two epiphanies I had regarding the holocaust:

Watching the movie “Life Is Beautiful” I was shocked to learn that Nazis murdered CHILDREN as well as adults. It had never even OCCURED to me that this could happen. Years latter, visiting Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, I learned that most of the Nazi victims were NOT EVEN GERMAN. The Nazis imported approximately 5,500,000 non Germans solely solely for the purpose of killing them! These two epiphanies taken together, made something painfully clear to me: The dimensions of human hatred know NO BOUNDS. The capacity for human hatred is INFINITE. (My Holocaust Epiphanies, 9/27/16)

On October 14, 2016, I discused a curious fact about contemporary America:

Have you ever noticed, dear readers, how many people have names that are amazingly appropriate for the narrative of their lives? I’ll call this phenomena “Name As Destiny.” Some examples:
1) First, there’s the talented, but tragically unfortunate singer who died young of ALCOHOL poisoning. I’m referring, of course, to Amy WINEHOUSE! How apropos!
2) Then there’s the Yankee’s general manager who controls player salaries and cash flow for the entire team: yes, it’s Brian CASHMAN, no less!
3) Then there is the incredibly fast Olympic athlete who literally bolts to the finish line. His name: Usain BOLT, of course!
4) And, who could forget that conniving investment broker who made off with everyone’s money: Bernie MADOFF, to be sure!
5) Now there’s also the case of a very disturbed politician sending pictures of his private parts all over the Internet. His name? Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it’s Anthony… WEINER! You can’t make this stuff up!
6) Then, let’s consider the indispensable White House press secretary, who constantly lies and “joshes” the American public, earnestly, of course! His name? JOSH ERNEST, natch!
7) And then, remember that middle eastern Gold Star father that spoke at the Democrat convention. The sanctimonious one that was paid $25,000 to deliver a self serving (he’s an IMMIGRATION lawyer, after all) anti Trump speech that he didn’t even write. The man who was, basically, a CON artist. His name? Kizar KAHN, of course!
8) And lastly, let’s end with the example that would appear to trump the rest: yes, ladies and gentlemen! You guessed it! He trumped his Republican rivals and is now trying to trump Hillary as well. I’m referring, of course, to Donald TRUMP himself!
Name as destiny? I rest my case!

On October 22, 2016, I contemplated the effect a Hillary win might have on America:

Yes, no matter what happens on Nov 8, America will still be here, but, because of all the reasons enumerated in this essay, if Hillary wins, in time, none of us may recognize it. (Unrecognizable, 10/22/18)

On Nov 11, 2016, I reacted to a limerick that was sent to me. What follows is the limerick I was send, and then a limerick of my own:

There once was a Congressman named Weiner
Who had a perverted demeanor.
He was forced from the Hill
For acting like Bill
And now the House is one Weiner leaner!

So I just couldn’t resist one of my own:

There once was a Secretary named Hillary,
Who couldn’t control her hostility.
Emails she dumped,
To try to beat Trump.
And now should go to the pillory.

(Limericks, 11/3/16)

On November 5, 2016, I commented on Hilary Clinton’s criminality:

Simply put, Hillary is a CRIMINAL. A smooth criminal. And not only is she a criminal, she is a criminal on multiple charges: Deleting emails under SUBPOENA (Obstruction of Justice). Accepting 145 MILLION dollars (during her time as Secretary of State) from a RUSSIAN company subsequently given a contract for 20% of the United States’
URANIUM enrichment! (Bribery). Intimidating Bill Clintons’ female accusers (Blackmail). And lying under oath concerning her private email server and deleted emails as well as on MULTIPLE other occasions (felony false testimony). Duping investors in Whitewater Development (fraud). Conducting State Department business on an unsecured server (felony violation of the US Espionage Act).

She is an unrepentant criminal on all of these counts and as a criminal is NOT deserving of the Presidency of our great nation. She deserves, instead, a room in our finest penitentiary.

On election day 2016, I contemplated the amazing victory of Donald Trump:

On Jun 16, 2015 when Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the Presidency of the United States, the number of Americans that believed that he would actually win the presidency could be counted on one finger. Against all odds, against the New York Times, against the Washington Post, against NBC, against ABC, against CBS, against CNN, against MSNBC, against nearly all of our media, against billionaire George Soros, against massive cash flow from foriegn sources, against a Democratic “war chest” of 2 billion dollars, against Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, against Leonardo Dicaprio, against Bruce Springsteen, against Beyoncè(!), against video documented dirty tricks by the DNC, against legions of operatives in the Democratic Party, and even against many people in his OWN party, Mr. Trump persevered. And prevailed.
A great day for Mr. Trump and a great day for America.

On November 11, 2016, I had some fun with contemporary American sexuality:

As surprising as it might be to contemplate, Playboy Magazine, has performed a very valuable public service! “Come again?” you might say. “Public service?” “Really?” Really! I believe that Playboy Magazine, sometimes singlehandedly, has kept the sexuality of American men pointed in the right direction, if you’ll excuse the double entendre. It’s no secret that many (not all) of the males working in the women’s fashion industry are gay. Left to their own devices, these individuals often favor an androgynous look. So, left unchecked, all the women models all end up looking like the musician Prince. And, the androgynous look is still a step up from other fads that have been foisted on women’s fashion. A few years ago New York Magazine featured a women’s “fashion” issue where the ladies ALL had paper white skin, dark lips and finger nails, deep deep eye shadow and messy hair that made them, basically, indistinguishable from cadavers. In fact, I’ve SEEN healthier looking cadavers on a few occasions! The androgynous look and cadaveric look have NEVER sullied the pages of Playboy, however. In effect, the magazine guided young American males properly down the path of healthy sexuality. The message was clear: Guys, do NOT date someone that looks like they have leukemia! Do NOT date someone that looks like they need a feeding tube! Do NOT date someone who’s gender you’re not quite sure of! And, guys, if you’re not sure of what a woman is supposed to look like, turn immediately to the center fold. See? That’s it! Any further questions?

On Thanksgiving Day, 2016, I shared some thoughts about the holliday:

In contemporary America, the Thanksgiving holiday has come to be viewed, by some, as secular. As such, it is in danger of being shorn of the religious feeling with which it began. Yes we give thanks for the harvest and for our livelihood and for our health and well being. But we should remember, as the Native American’s did, that our thanks is, ultimately, to God, from whom ALL blessings come. Bless us O Lord, and these Thy gifts which we are about to receive from Thy bounty. Amen.

On November 26, 2016, I commented on the term “progressive”:

Who allowed these people to co-opt the word “progressive”? Since when did a group of ill-tempered, generally juvenile and always myopic individuals, lacking in common sense get to wear the banner of “progress”? Isn’t there some sort of lexicographic police force that monitors this type of thing? Shouldn’t syntax officers break down their doors, and shout: “Halt!…Put down that adjective!…Back away from that deception!… Put your fallacies in the air!… Don’t utter another spurious syllable!…You are charged with semantic piracy!… You’ll go before the terminology tribunal!… And, then, it’s off to the vocabulary jail with ye!”

On November 27, 2016, I addressed the issue of President Trump’s Travel Ban:

As “progressive” outrage and indignation continue to roil our domestic pot, many criticisms have been aimed at our President-elect Donald Trump. Drawing the most vehement ire is Trump’s plan to halt immigration from mid eastern nations. Critics claim that such a law would be immoral, unconstitutional, and illegal. Turns out, it’s NONE of these things. What the critics are not aware of, apparently, is the fact that enabling legislation is ALREADY ON THE BOOKS!

The relevant statute is the McCarran-Walter Act (Pub. L. 82-414, 66 Stat. 163) enacted in June of 1952. It allows for the “suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions on entry by the President, when ever the president finds that the entry of aliens or any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States. The President may, by proclamation, and for such a period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non immigrants or impose any restrictions on the entry of aliens that he may deem to be appropriate”. This law has been challenge a number of times in court and has passed each test.

On January 17, 2017, I shared my recollection of the Inaguration on John F. Kennedy:

Although I was only eight years old at the time, I remember many things about the Inaguration. I remember JFK looking impossibly handsome in the low witer sunlight.I remember Jackie Kennedy looking both chic and regal. I remember Robert Frost reading his poem. But mostly I remember JFK’s WORDS. Fifty six years later, the following quotes are from memory:

“Let the word go forth to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans, born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace…”

“To the youth of America: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

“The rights of our citizens come not from a generous government, but from God.”

“We will pay any price, bear any burden, support any friend, appose any foe, to ensure the survival of liberty.”

Fifty six years later, those words still live in my heart.


On January 23, 1917, I filed the following report on the Women’s March:

As I went for breakfast on Saturday morning, I passed an area where a number of women were preparing placards to display as they marched.

One woman, in particular, caught my eye. She was a rather zaftig lady of a certain age with rather unkempt gray hair, faded jeans, a plaid flannel shirt, running shoes, and a hint of a mustache. She was working on a placard. What did her placard say? It said, and I kid you not: “KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY BODY”! Now, I didn’t SAY anything of course, but, as I passed, I couldn’t help but chuckle a bit to myself: “OK lady! NO PROBLEM! I’m on board with that! No argument from me! HANDS OFF it is!”

So, ladies and gentlemen, from Washington, D.C., reporting on the Women’s March, over and out.

And, dear readers, if you are justifiably questioning my level of maturity right now, I will admit that, mentally, I am just a few generations removed from the Neanderthal Man. Or, as Rodney Dangerfield used to say: I’m the first in my family to walk upright!… Hopefully I’ll mature as I get older! (Reporting From The Women’s March, 1/23/17)

On February 10, 2017, I defended the appropriatness of Senate rules requiring decorum. These ruled had recently been invoked to silece Elizabeth Warren who was acting up at the time. I defended the need for such rules by referring to actual violence that has taken place in the Senate:

There have actually been multiple episodes of violence IN the Senate! The incident that prompted the rule invoked for Ms. Warren (Senate Rule Number XIX) was an actual fistfight that broke out ON THE SENATE FLOOR in 1902. During that altercation, the junior senator from North Carolina, John McLaurin, insulted the senior senator from the same state, Ben Tillman, who promptly PUNCHED MCLAURIN IN THE NOSE! Pandemonium, broke out and several Senators were required to restore order. Hence Senate Rule XIX.

Surprisingly, the McLurin/Tillman episode PALES in comparison to an altercation which occurred on May 22, 1856, again ON THE SENATE FLOOR. This time an antislavery REPUBLICAN, Charles Sumner, was viciously attacked with a metal topped walking stick wielded by PRO slavery Democrat, Preston Brooks, two days after Sumner gave an impassioned address against slavery. Mr. Books repeatedly struck Mr. Summer in the head even AFTER he was unconscious. Brooks broke the stick into several pieces, and was arrested for assault. Mr. Sumner almost died, but, with medical treatment, did survive.

So, ladies and gentlemen, rules promoting respect and decorum in the Senate would appear to be a VERY good idea! (Senate Fistfights, 2/10/17)

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