My Tricentennial (Part One) October 13, 2018/ Uncategorized

Dear readers, by ‘tricentennial” I mean not to refer to my AGE (although it sure feels like it sometimes!), but rather to the fact that I have posted over three hundred essays on this website.

The term “flor regium” is a Latin term that translates literally as “a bunch of flowers”, but its figurative meaning refers to a collection of selected quotes or memorable passages derived from other works. A sort of “greatest hits”, if you will. So, ladies and gentlemen, to celebrate posting over 300 essays, I present this “Flor regium” of excerpts. I’ll spread them out over four separate posts to prevent overdose. After each vignette I’ll list the title and date, so the full essay can be found, if desired. This is the first post in a series of four. The individual vignettes are arranged chronologically. I hope you enjoy them!

On July 26, 2016, I commented on Elizabeth Warren’s speech at the Democratic National Convention:

I nearly fell off my chair! It’s true! The most absurd moment in tonight’s DNC proceedings, I must admit, caught me by surprise. It came toward the end of Elizabeth Warren’s diatribe. She had been prattling on for some time in the manner of a school marm lecturing her hopelessly dimwitted pupils, when IT happened. It’s difficult to believe, but it DID happen. Ms. Warren, with a STRAIGHT FACE, said we should vote for Hillary Clinton so that she (Clinton) would: “GET BIG MONEY OUT OF POLITICS AND RID OUR GOVERNMENT OF CORRUPTION.” That’s the truth! She said that! She really DID! THAT’S when I nearly fell off my chair!

With Hillary’s massive and illegal influence pedaling, favors to foreign donors, consorting with numerous individuals that have been CONVICTED of crimes and perhaps even more that will be, and numerous episodes in which she broke the law or danced around the law, all while becoming extremely wealthy, to hear Warren make that statement was enough for me to have a stroke. (I Nearly Fell Off My Chair, 7/26/16)

Later, in the same essay, commenting on the Democratic National Convention, I had a little fun with Bernie Sanders:

Finally, Bernie Sanders made an appearance. He tried hard, and, unlike many other speakers this evening, did not lack for sincerity. He struck me as being 1/3 Moses, 1/3 Karl Marx and 1/3 Mr. Magoo. All his programs and initiatives sounded wonderful, but he did not seem, at ANY point during his speech, to have even a basic understanding of economics. A serious deficiency in a major democratic firebrand and co-author of the current democratic platform.

On July 29, 2016, I commented on Bill Clinton’s Speech at the Democratic National Convention supporting his wife’s candidacy. I remarked that the speech was more remarkable more for what it LEFT OUT than what he put in:

In speaking about their allegedly warm family life, Mr. Clinton left out, of course, the constant discord. He left out the lamp throwing fights (one of which is reported in the book by Kate Anderson Brower, a former reporter for Bloomberg News). The lovelessness. The multiple infidelities (likely on the part of BOTH). In describing Hillary’s public life, Mr. Clinton left out Hillary’s support during the ’70’s of the Black Panthers, including the Panther that tortured and murdered another member for suspected disloyalty. He left out her anti-Americanism. Her blasé attitude toward anti police violence. Her indifference to inner city crime. Her intention to radically reduce incarceration rates in America, in effect letting MORE criminals back on the street. Her perfunctory response to Islamic terror. Her intention to INCREASE Muslim immigration from 10,000 this year to SIXTY FIVE THOUSAND each year going forward! Her callous disregard for our patriots in Benghazi in mortal danger. Her obstruction of justice. Her blatant intimidation of her husband’s many sexual victims. Her “careless” behavior (as determined by the FBI) in regard to American security. And that’s just the short list. (Slick Willie, 7/26/16)

On August 3, 2016 I commented on candidate Trump’s propensity to “take the bait” and respond to criticism with outrageous replies that engender MORE criticism:

I feel like reading him his Miranda Rights: Mr. Trump, you HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. If you choose to speak, anything you say CAN AND WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU IN THE COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION! (Miranda Rights For Trump, 8/3/2016)

On August 6, 2016, I commented on the amazing rigidity of thought in the liberal and “progressive” mind:

They simply do not alter or change their positions NO MATTER WHAT! No matter how many jihadi attacks take place across our nation and across the world, we see no move to reassess the liberal “welcoming” posture toward “refugee” immigration. No matter how bad our economy is under increasing taxation and government regulation and increasing left leaning policies, we do not see any push, on their part, to modify or alter these policies. No matter how bellicose Iran becomes, we see no demands to end our disastrous “treaty” with Iran, or even enforce it. No mater how many criminals (not the majority, but, as the mathematicians would say: a non zero real number) sneak into our country and carry out nefarious acts, we still hear cries to abolish “sanctuary cities”! No matter how dramatic a rise in crime occurs, we see no liberal enthusiasm for police empowerment. And, there are many more examples. (The Liberal Mystery, 8/6/18)

On August 9, 2016, I commented on Democratic Party attempts to relax voting rules in a blatant effort to scrounge for votes:

Should choosing the leader of our nation be a spur of the moment gesture? Should it be easy? Should it be very easy? Should it be carried out in fast food restaurants? Casinos? Gas stations? Bars?? Or should it be a planned and reasoned acceptance of the gravely important responsibility of running our nation as fairly and competently as we can? (Drive By Voting, 8/9/16)

August 23, 2016, I commented on a lie that is frequently foisted on a gullable populace:

My commentary today revolves around an incredibly pervasive lie. I will refer to it, accordingly, as the “lie that keeps on giving.” The lie I am referring to is one that is told again and again. It is a lie that is pervasive. It is heard on national news. It is heard on international news. It is spoken by news casters. It is spoken by commentators. It is spoken by police chiefs, both nationally and internationally. It is affirmed by politicians. It is affirmed by senators and congressmen. It is declared by PRESIDENTS. It has been announced by the POPE! It has been said by the BISHOP of Canterbury. It has been quoted by the METROPOLITAN of the Orthodox Church. However, it has NOT been spoken by the Ayatollas of Iran, nor by high level Islamic religious leaders including Abu Bakar Al-Baghdadi, the founder of ISIS and the man who some believe is the Twelfth Imam, or Mahdi. These last individuals, to their credit, are less willing, apparently, to fib. The lie I am referring to is that violence has “nothing to do with Islam.” We hear it repeated over and over again. Since September 11, it must have been said a HUNDRED times. Maybe a THOUSAND times. It is a statement that is reassuring. It’s a statement that is calming. It’s a statement that we all would LIKE to believe. But, unfortunately,….it ISN’T true. (The Lie That Keeps On Giving, 8/23/16)

On September 3, 2016, I had a little fun with the Anthony Weiner ruckus:

A man and woman are having a conversation over coffee and the morning newspaper:

Her: Will you look at this article?
Him: The one on Huma Abedin?
Her: Yes. It says that she’s divorcing Anthony Weiner.
Him: Well, there’s a surprise!
Her: Meaning what?
Him: Well, the only mystery about that, is why it took her so long!
Her: You mean why it took her so long to realize he’s weird?
Him: No!….To realize he’s Jewish!

(Realization, 9/3/16)

On September 3, 2016, I wrote about the Palestinian HOAX:

Although the term Philistia, appropriated by Arab activists, can be found in the Bible, and was used by the historian Herodotus, a little known fact is that there was NO Arab population there! As noted by the highly respected biblical scholar Thomas S. McCall, ThD., the area was populated by European people from the Adriatic region and was, accordingly, GREEK. (By the way, the term “Philistia” referred to the area along the Mediterranean Coast, whereas the hilly inland area was referred to as Canaan.) To quote Mr. McCall “both the Canaanites and Philistines had disappeared as distinct peoples at least by the time of the Babylonian captivity of Judea (586 B.C.) and no longer exist.” Usage of the term “Palestine” however can be credited to Roman Emperor Hadrian who chose to use that name after the Romans put down the second Jewish revolt in 135 A.D. The idea then, as it is today, was to stamp out all traces of Israel by erasing its very NAME. (The Myth Of Palestine, 9/3/16)

On September 13, 2016, I commented on the “lessons” of 9/11:

From what young people today tell me, the lessons of September eleventh are muddled. The ghastliest images are kept from them. The causes of the attacks are often explained to our youngsters to be “fundamentalism” (as if a fundamentalist Buddhist might carry out similar attacks), “intolerance” (as if strong beliefs, of and by themselves, result in murder), and social factors such as unemployment (as if job training could have prevented the attack). September 11 is also remembered as an example of American heroism and bravery under duress. Rightfully so. From what we can tell, there were thousands of acts of courage, altruism, and self sacrifice. That these are commemorated and celebrated is right and just. However, I’m afraid that many of the big lessons of 911 have been forgotten. School children in some areas are not even allowed to use the term “Islamic Terrorists!” The very NAME of our enemy has been banned! Soon to be forgotten! So much for “Never Forget!” So, in response to this incipient amnesia, I thought I might use this moment in time, fifteen Septembers later, to mention some of the, partially forgotten, lessons of that day: (Please see the full essay for a list). (Fifteen Septembers, 9/13/16)

On September 17, 2016, I commented on the COSTS of immigration:

The direct economic costs have been tabulated by a number of investigators. According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform, the state of Texas now spends 12.1 BILLION dollars on illegal immigrants each year in order to “medicate, educate and incarcerate” them. Twelve point one BILLION! If you think that this burden becomes insignificant when spread among the many citizens of that state, it doesn’t. The cost to Texas taxpayers PER FAMILY is $1,197 per year! Further, the Washington Examiner has reported that our government spends $20,000 to settle EACH refugee! And the costs don’t stop there. According to the ORR (Office of Refugee Resettlement) over NINETY PERCENT of Syrian refugees go on food stamps! Staggering! But, although the direct economic costs are shocking, they’re not the whole picture…. (The Costs Of Immigration, 9/17/16)

On September 19, 2016, in commentary on the media’s propensity to turn EVERYTHING against Donald Trump, I ended with a joke:

Mr. Trump and the Pope are both on a boat. A gust of wind blows the Pontiff’s hat onto the water. Mr. Trump promptly gets up, walks on water, and returns the hat to the amazed Pope. Next day’s headline: MR. TRUMP CAN’T EVEN SWIM!” (Something Skwuwee. 9/19/16)

I plan to show three more collections in separate posts to follow.

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