Flash Points In The Kavanaugh Confirmation

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ October 11, 2018/ Uncategorized

Well, the excruciating Kavanaugh confirmation proceedings have finally ended, and Judge Kavanaugh has been confirmed. This whole affair will, in my opinion, leave a legacy for the Democrats. But, it’s not the legacy that Feinstein, Schumer and Pelosi intended. Let’s look back on a number of flash points….

First, the Democrats were never really convinced of the veracity of Blasey Ford’s allegations. If they were, they would have either urged her to make her accusations public sooner or would have conveniently arranged a “leak” of her story way back in July. Although they were’nt completely convinced, they felt, apparently, that she would be “credible” enough to get Kavanaugh’s confirmation postponed until after the November elections, where, they hoped, they might pick up enough seats to sink the appointment entirely. They were counting, of course, on the wished for “blue wave” of representational reassignment that often occurs following a “red” majority across all of the executive and legislative branches. Since they were aware that Ford’s story was flimsy at best (no date, no place, no details, no corroboration, etc.), they knew that several months of real investigation would likely have come up empty handed. Accordingly, they delayed bringing forth her accusations until the “eleventh hour” where, they thought, they would do the most damage and, most likely, bring about the delay.

Next, I think it’s also clear that Ford’s allegations were NEVER MEANT TO REMAIN SECRET. If so, there would have been absolutely no need to obtain a polygraph, which would have been necessary ONLY to support Ford’s credibility among a skeptical PUBLIC.

Next, even in the limited time allowed by the on purpose late disclosure, Ford’s story soon became suspect. Not only was she unable to put forth any shred of corroboration, but named witnesses (including a FRIEND) not only failed to support her story, they actively REFUTED it. In this light, Ford advocates such as Mazie Hirono (D-HA), for example, were forced to espouse the absurd position that ALL women accusers should, in Hirono’s words, “not only be heard, but they MUST BE BELIEVED”!!!…Wait a minute!!!… Was she saying that ALL WOMEN must be believed??!… ALL OF THEM??!… EVERY ONE??!… EVERY TIME??!… In Hirono’s estimation, therefore, NO woman, in the entire history of the human species, has EVER lied, or has EVER mixed up her recollections from thirty years past??! Nor has ANY man EVER told the truth??!… Please!

Next, after Ford’s allegations did become public, Ford, herself, in a transparent effort to delay the proceedings as long as possible, resisted multiple offers to formally make her case. She first claimed that a meeting with the Justice Committee in a week’s time was “impossible”, causing me (and many others) to wonder what she might have scheduled that would take precedence over a Supreme Court nomination? A PTA meeting? Hair stylist? Hot date? Then, when this strategy wore thin, she claimed that she couldn’t fly to DC because she was afraid to fly. It subsequently came to light, however, that she had gone on numerous transoceanic flights for vacations in Hawaii, Costa Rica and Tahiti, exposing what was obviously a bold faced lie. She then claimed not to know that Senator Grassley had offered to have the Judicial Committee come to her in California, thereby either exposing her attorney’s dereliction of duty, or, yet another lie on her part.

Next, while a number of prominent politicians where quick to declare how “credible” Ford’s testimony was, many people, including the State of Arizona sex crimes prosecutor Rachel Mitchell, have said otherwise. I, for one, listened to her testimony in full and, later, watched that testimony in full, and found her to be, to put it charitably, less than credible (see my previous post, “The Curious Case Of Doctor Ford, 10/2/18). Not only did her claims of great emotional torment seem contrived, the lack of ANY detail in her narrative, together with the presence of numerous contradictions, made her allegations extremely suspect. A quivering lip does not a truthful witness make. In fact, one commentator, a woman, asked, quite bluntly, “WHEN will people learn not to be fooled by a crying woman”?

Next, as Ford’s credibility crumbled, a number of other “victims” jumped on the band wagon, one more ludicrous that the last. A Deborah Ramirez claimed sexual misconduct on Kavanaugh’s part, but admitted drinking heavily on the day in question, admitted she had “holes” in her memory, and further admitted that it took FIVE DAYS of “reviewing her memories” to decide what she actually saw! And another woman, Julie Swetnick (who had been SUED in the past for false allegations of sexual misconduct), claims that Kavanaugh was involved in GANG RAPES, which she witnessed, she said, on TEN different occasions. While she didn’t see Kavanaugh rape anyone, she made her accusation because she saw Kavanaugh standing by the punch bowl (“spiked” with alcohol, she says) at one of them! (Well, Ms. Hirono, MUST we believe THIS story?)

Next, during all of this, hysterical protestors, claiming to believe EVERYTHING that was being thrown about, engaged in public displays of rage using the term “rapist” (surprisingly, since NO ONE had actually accused him of rape) and carried out unseemly drama inside and around the Senate and in front of the Supreme Court. And some even went on to darker “protests” including intimidation and threats to Republican Senators as well as Kavanaugh and even his family.

And, all of this opprobrium was heaped upon an individual that had a distinguished legal career and had passed SIX FBI background checks (five for past appointments) and had enjoyed wide ranging endorsements by scores of people (men and women) that had worked with him and knew him best.

So, after all was said and done, Kavanaugh was confirmed, and his confirmation took place despite Democratic Party skullduggery and hysteria. As Senator Grassley said, in the end, Kavanaugh’s confirmation was a victory “against ‘mob’ rule”.

But, as mentioned at the beginning of this essay, what this whole affair has done for the Democrats, is not what either Feinstein, Schumer or Pelosi has anticipated. Not only did it fail to block the appointment of a conservative (heavens!) Justice, but it showed what the “true colors” of the Democratic Party were.

It showed that, despite numerous claims by the Democrats that they want bipartisanship and “working together for the common good”, they really want no such thing.

It showed that, though the Democratic Party claims to avow the Democratic process, that they have no qualms about trying to subvert the results of that process (the Trump Presidency as well as his duly chosen Supreme Court candidates) when it suits them.

It showed that despite claiming to be champions of women’s rights, they showed no compunction what-so-ever against dragging Blasey Ford through the mud.

It showed that although the Democrats claim to be honorable and just (Remember, “When they go low, we go high”?) they are capable of the dirtiest slander with innuendo, half truths and outright lies. They do, indeed, “go low.”

And, dear readers, I think that America has taken note. A recent Gallup Poll, taken just before the FBI concluded its expanded investigation, showed that 60% of ALL Americans felt that Judge Kavanaugh SHOULD be confirmed if cleared by the FBI. Sixty percent, ladies and gentlemen, is about as close to a mandate as I think we’ll ever see in these fractious times.

Other polls have also shown that a number of close races in the Senate and House have flipped back to the Republican side as a result of the “dirty pool” on the Democratic side. NOT what Feinstein, Schumer and Pelosi had intended, I’m sure.

So, dear readers, please talk this up. Let no one forget the egregious conduct of the Democratic Party as we go to the polls this November.

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