Sacrificial Lambs July 24, 2018/ Uncategorized

Canada has finally released the name of the shooter responsible for yesterday’s massacre in Toronto. Surprise, surprise!… His name is… Faisal Husain!… Surprise, surprise!…A Muslim!… Imagine that!

The Toronto PD withheld Husain’s identity for nearly 24 hours, apparently to prevent the people of Canada and the United States from thinking that this horrific attack has ANYTHING to do with Islam or immigration. And, they’ve scrambled to promulgate the worn and threadbare excuse that the perpetrator had “mental problems”!…”Well, OKAY then!…Everything is cope-esthetic!….It’s NO ONE’s fault!… Let’s let some more in!” And you KNOW they will now try to turn this tragedy into an anti gun polemic. And you KNOW that they will take great pains to stress that this should not be an immigration issue.

But, ladies and gentlemen, it doesn’t really mater that the attacker had “mental problems” does it? And it doesn’t really mater if he is an actual immigrant or if he was born in Canada to immigrant parents. And it doesn’t really mater that he chose to use a gun instead of a bomb, a knife or a truck. None of those excuses will bring back these innocent victims, and none of those excuses will ease the pain and loss of their family and friends. The victims, ages 10 and 18, are pictured below:

In my opinion, the deceased here are as much a victim of an effete and enfeebled government (Justin Trudeau and his “progressive” accomplices) as they are of the jihadi that pulled the trigger. A government that has abrogated the first responsibility of any government: the safety and well being of its citizens. We must remember that, although governments have no control over many of the tragedies that occur in this life, the murder of these two innocents COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED. So, Canada will have to bid farewell to these young ladies, sacrificial lambs that have been slaughtered on the alter of “political correctness”. Let their images resonate in our hearts and minds a while as we contemplate the great benefits of runaway immigration.

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