The Way It Is Supposed To Be July 11, 2018/ Uncategorized

On Monday night they were at it again. An angry mob of protestors gathered themselves on the steps of the Supreme Court to protest President Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to Replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the high court. In fact this amalgam of protestors had formed PRIOR to the actual announcement of Mr. Trump’s choice! The authors of a number of tweets on the situation were so eager to express their outrage, that, once the choice was announced, they failed or forgot to fill in the blank spaces and remove the place holding “XXX”’s that they had put in the text, belying the fact that many of these missives were PRESCRIPTED. Trump could have nominated the ghost of Abraham Lincon and these protestors would still have gone batty. In fact, the scene was described as so “VOLATILE” that a number of news crews retreated back to the safety of their news rooms! Is this still America?

And, in addition to the irony of PRE-SCRIPTED outrage is another curious fact: these protestors can protest all they want, and it will have NO effect on the nominating process. The process of selecting Supreme Court Justices is clearly defined in the Consitution (Article II, section 2), which stipulates that the President nominates the candidate, but that candidate must then be approved by the Senate. That’s it. That’s all there is to it. We don’t do a poll. We don’t take a vote. We don’t canvas constituents. The process is straight forward. Democrat members of the Senate may cajole, entice, plead, threaten, and possibly try to bribe (with political favors, or campaign donations from George Soros; they won’t spend there OWN money) some Republican Senators of dubious loyalty (Republicans In Name Only, or RINOs), but the protests themselve won’t amount to a hill of beans. This fact, however, does not appear to faze these self-righteous hipocrites. It’s protest for protest’s sake, simmilar to the protests caried out the weekend before last, where the participants were protesting a border control policy THAT HAD ALREADY BEEN RESCINDED the week before, and they KNEW it!

Now, the anti-Kavanaugh protestors are both right and wrong about the upcoming confirmation. They’re RIGHT about one thing: the appointment of Kavanaugh to the high court will dramatically change the jurisprudence of our country, swinging the court well to the conservative side of the pendulum. They are WRONG, however, that this is unconstitutional, against the will of the framers of our constitution or that it’s, ultimately, bad for our country.

The fact that the framers of the Constitution placed NO TERM LIMITS on the Supreme Court Justice’s tenure, indicates that they WANTED them to serve long terms. They WANTED the high court to BE a legacy of past Presidents. This lasting legacy would serve as a check on the politics of future eras in such a way as to temper great shifts in political agendas, and be, therefore, a stabilizing force. Liberals had no argument with the liberal leaning Supreme Court dating back to the Justice Warren in the era of Kennedy and Johnson. When the political winds shifted during the Nixon and Reagan and Bush eras, they had no qualms about touting the Supreme Court’s liberal legacy then. And that liberal legacy constrained, to some degree, the conservative leanings of Presidents Nixon, Reagan, and Bushes 41 and 43. And there was no liberal outcry when the judiciary reached its liberal apotheosis during the Obama administration when there was little or no executive or legislative opposition to it. The result was the shocking craziness that blossomed during Obama’s terms, where creepy men began using lady’s rooms because they “identified” as women, bakers were FORCED to supply cakes for weddings they felt were sinful, and agencies like the IRS, DOJ, NSA, CIA and FBI were weaponized by an out of control executive branch.

So, far from being the catastrophe that Schumer, Pelosi, liberals and Antifa operatives are predicting, the Presidential legacy on the Supreme Court IS THE WAY IT’S SUPPOSED BE. And if Schumer and Pelosi and liberals and Antifa are not happy with the Constitution Of The United States Of America, then they are free to pursue the (admittedly difficult) methods IN PLACE in that document that provide for changing it. But, failing that, they need to either acquiesce or move to another country whose Constitution is more to their liking. (Cuba? Venezuela? North Korea? The options are MANY). And, the more fervent of the protestors and menacers need to be arrested, tried and incarcerated (hopefully, for an extended stay). Although they DO have a right to protest, they DO NOT have the right to harass, intimidate, menace or attack those with whom they disagree.

Actually, the Beatles said it best in their song, years ago, from the White Album:

You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world…

…You say you’ll change the constitution
Well, you know
We all want to change your head.

…And if you want money
for people with minds that hate
All I can tell you is brother you’ll have to wait…

-John Lennon and Paul McCartney,

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