On The Border

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ June 21, 2018/ Uncategorized

We Americans seem to have become inured to the fraud, deception and hypocrisy that have become the “new normal” in our land. But the degree of deception we seem capable of ignoring has reached new heights on our southern border.

Doesn’t anybody wonder why the volume of illegal border crossings, which had been steadily going DOWN for many years, have suddenly become an epidemic? Might this be a “manufactured crisis” that’s political at its core? Doesn’t anybody wonder why the illegal crossings have PEAKED at the same time that CNN camera crews, Al Sharpton and other activists showed up at the border? Might activist groups be using migrants to advance their activist agendas? Is anyone aware that there are photographs of separated children during the Obama administration that prove that the practices and procedures that are being so vehemently criticized now, have actually gone all the way back to at least as far as the Obama administration and yet no one one made a fuss about them back then? Is anyone aware that investigators have found that some of the separated children seem to know VERY LITTLE ABOUT THEIR “FATHERS” (like their NAME and many other basics), raising the question of whether or not they are truly related? Is anyone aware that families were given the option of NOT being separated if they agreed to deportation? Is anyone aware that the majority of the “asylum” seekers have traveled across Mexico having come, mainly, from Honduras and Guatemala? Does any one mind that these “asylum seekers” do not seek political or religious asylum, but rather are seeking mainly deliverance from endemic poverty? Doesn’t anyone feel that the responsibility for helping these impoverished people should reside in the countries from which they come? Does anyone realize that the current crisis is the result of years of deliberate neglect by the Obama administration? Doesn’t anyone recall that just 9 months ago, Donald Trump virtually BEGGED Congress to legislate a solution to our derelict immigration policies, but that his entreaties were ignored? Isn’t anyone aware that President Trump has offered to end the separation procedures if Congress is willing to fully fund the border wall and abolish problematic immigration laws such as the ones that provide for the “Diversity Lottery” and those that allow chain immigration? Shouldn’t more people know that, as reported in the Hill newspaper (thehill.com), Chuck Schumer is rejecting legislation that would end the separations, preferring instead, to use family separations to continue attacks on President Trump? Doesn’t anyone question the motives behind the “immigration advocacy” groups that have urged and encouraged illegal entrance into this country, REGARDLESS of what the consequences would be for the families involved, in order to advance their agendas? Is no one aware that a significant number of “asylum seekers” are actually criminals that are fleeing Mexican justice (and that Mexican law enforcement seems quite disinterested in apprehending these criminals once they cross into our country)? Doesn’t anyone find the Mexican government guilty of extreme hypocrisy by allowing the immigrants to enter their country without taking them in, while they have the unmitigated gall to criticize us for doing just that? Is no one aware of the brutality that this migration wave has caused, with children (and even adults) being robbed, beaten, raped and exposed to drugs and disease en route? Is no one aware that some of the adults traveling with the children are, in fact, human traffickers that have horrible plans, eventually, for their charges?

Yesterday, President Trump signed an executive order ending family separations at the border, and, I believe that it was wise to do so. No one wants to traumatize the young and innocent. But, legislative solutions to fix our broken system, MUST be found. If our representatives either can not or will not fix our broken system, eventually push will come to shove. And it will be a pity.

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