Criminal Bias At The FBI June 18, 2018/ Uncategorized

They’re at it again. The deep state shows, once again, how low they estimate the intelligence of the American people to be.

They seem to believe that if they issue a report with an official sounding title authored by someone or some thing with an official sounding name, that Americans will believe absolutely ANYTHING they are told. And, they may be RIGHT. The penultimate example of this sort of thing, remains, to this day, the Warren Commission Report on the assasination of JFK. In that “report” the authors successfully persuaded millions and millions of Americans that Lee Harvey Oswald was the “lone gunman” that assassinated President John F. Kennedy, despite the fact that Oswald, a poor marksman (although he had passed a sharpshooters test four years before the assassination, his performance just prior to discharge was rated at 191 and was considered, therefore, a “rather poor shot”), would have had to have gotten off 3 shots in 5.6 seconds with a BOLT ACTION rifle, hitting his moving target twice, with the bullet following an implausible zig zag trajectory, with Kennedy’s head going BACKWARDS from the so-called fatal shot FROM THE BACK) you can get them to believe ANYTHING.

The deep state demonstrated this principle again on July 5, 2016 with James Comey’s speech exonerating Hillary Clinton. Speaking for the FBI, Comey said that, while Hillary Clinton DID have an ILLEGAL server, and DID violate numerous governmental protocols, and DID expose the United States government to intelligence and security leaks, and that she was “extremely careless”, no “reasonable prosecutor” would pursue charges against her! The fact that this chain of reasoning was a non sequitur did not, apparently, dawn on the American public, proving, once again, that if you present an absurd conclusion in an official appearing manner with official sounding terms, the American public will leave logic behind and believe ANYTHING.

And now, they’re doing it AGAIN!!!!
The latest example is Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on the FBI Director Comey’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s illegal server which was released last Thursday on June 14. The report, which runs over 500 pages details example after of extreme bias in the FBI investigation. (You can read the entire 568 page report at: It acknowledges Comey circulating a letter of exoneration BEFORE the investigation began in earnest. It admits that it “did NOT have confidence” that agent Strzok’s handling of the investigation was “free from bias.” It acknowledges that Director Comey said of Hillary Clinton: “I can’t sit here and tell you I believed her.” Elsewhere in the report it’s noted that Comey uses the euphemism “strained credulity” referring to Clinton as well.

And, then (like in Comey’s July 5, 2016 exoneration Of Clinton) after presenting many incriminating findings, he then EXONERATES HIM OF ANY CRIME! The characterizations Of “insubordination” and “unprofessionalism” are mere slaps on the wrist. This man committed CRIMES and warrants PROSECUTION, NOT reprimands! There most certainly WAS bias in some parts of the FBI under his direction, and he needs to be held accountable.

And it is NOT true that Comey’s bias did not lead to investigative misconduct. The way Comey carried out the investigation constitutes investigative malpractice. First, in proper investigative technique Clinton would NOT have been allowed to testify LAST after the nature of all incriminating had been established. And she should have never been allowed to testify without being UNDER OATH, and without so much as a stenographer or even a tape recording being made. And, in proper form, the highly illegal meeting between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton would have been investigated to the full extent of the law. And even WORSE, the investigation should NEVER have been just about the illegal server. It should have included Clinton’s deletion of thirty five THOUSAND emails under subpoena as obstruction of justice.

And, very recent breaking information from Representative Devin Nunes, impugns Comey’s FBI even further. It turns out that the FBI knew of Anthony Weiner’s laptop emails as early as September 29, 2016. Why didn’t Comey announce their investigation until October 28? Well, it seems, that we now know the answer. Representative Nunes just divulged on Friday that there was a whistleblower WITHIN the FBI that leaked the existence of the emails. Comey had to beat him to the punch or be accused of gross misconduct. It would seem, therefore, that, were it not for the whistleblower that the FBI would have NEVER acknowledged their existence and the outcome of the election may have been VERY different. It is now clear that not only did Comey intentionally skew the investigation, but he perpetrated partisan intervention to the benefit of Candidate Clinton.

No evidence for FBI bias? Hogwash!

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