Works Of Fiction April 21, 2018/ Uncategorized

Networks CNN and MSNBC are treating the release of James Comey’s notes on his conversations with President Trump as the biggest thing since SLICED BREAD. These notes, together with his self serving book titled, get this, “A Higher Loyalty”, have been viewed by liberal media as more anti-Trump “evidence”. (Big surprise!)

But the real question we should be asking is whether or not we should even take them seriously. It’s crucial to realize that Comey’s notes are just that. They are NOT recordings or official transcripts. They are the products of his OWN telling of his OWN narrative. Comey has already ADMITTED (in HIS book, no less, AND in his testimony before Congress) that he HAS lied, supposedly for “good causes”. In fact, he’s admitted that he’s lied multiple times. Regardless of the merits of his “good causes” he has ADMITTED that he LIED.

Now, a lier, by definition, is a dishonest individual, and, as a practical matter, a dishonest individual is NOT to be trusted. It matters not what his “good causes” are. Maybe he now thinks that saving his own reputation (and pension fund) is a GOOD CAUSE. Maybe he thinks earning tremendous royalties on his “tell all” book is a GOOD CAUSE. Maybe he thinks that avenging Hillary’s humiliating defeat is a GOOD CAUSE. Maybe he thinks that impeaching President Trump is a GOOD CAUSE. The point is, that once he decides something is a “good cause”, his testimony CAN NOT BE TRUSTED. His “notes”, in this context, are likely to be nothing more than yet another lie. In short, we shouldn’t believe a word he says. His “notes”, accordingly, should be filed away as works of fiction.

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