Short Stories With Big Questions June 22, 2017/ Uncategorized

Nancy Pelosi is demanding to see the new Republican healthcare law that’s being written. She’s howling in righteous indignation. WAIT A MINUTE! Is this the SAME Nancy Pelosi that famously said that Congress should “pass the Affordable Care Act and then GO SEE WHAT’S IN IT”?…Why, YES it IS! She must have FORGOTTEN! And, if you think about it, since NO Democrat will vote for the legislation regardless of what’s in it, why do they NEED to see it, anyway?

Yesterday, former Director of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson testified that Russian hackers were NOT successful in changing so much as one vote in last year’s Presidential election. Well, THAT’S a relief! He also said, however, something more surprising. He testified, under oath, that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) DECLINED help from the Feds in dealing with the hacking that they KNEW was going on during the 2016 Presidential campaign. Since the hacking (who ever was responsible) was quite damaging to the Democrats, you would THINK that the DNC would have wanted to get all the help it could to thwart the hacking. But IT REFUSED! In essence, the DNC refused to have outside experts come in to help, despite a DESPERATE need to stop the hemorrhaging. Think they MIGHT have had something to HIDE?

Also, yesterday, an American police officer at the airport in Flint, Michigan, was stabbed in the neck with an 8 inch serrated knife by Amor Ftouhi, (a Canadian citizen who had immigrated from Tunisia into Canada) yelling “Alahu Akbar!” This brings to light the fact that Canada has even worse “vetting” procedures than we do. And their official position is to welcome immigrants from all of the world’s trouble spots. And, remember, in many areas, our border with Canada is quite “porous”. Time to think about a border wall to the north?

On June 20 an independent, non partisan Washington, DC study group (The Profiling Project, PP) released a report regarding the murder of high up Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffer Seth Rich on July 10, 2016. Julian Assange has hinted that Mr. Rich may have been the source of many of the hacked emails that were so damaging to Ms. Clinton (one theory is that Rich was a supporter of Bernie Sanders). The PP group that investigated the murder is made up of graduate student volunteers from the Student Association for Forensic Psychology at George Washington University. This group, led by Dr. Jennifer Rohrer, a Ph.D. in forensic psychology, disputes the police conclusion that the murder was the result of a “botched robbery”. Noting that NOTHING was stolen from the victim, and using forensic psychology tools such as geographical profiling, victimology and investigative psychology, the group reports that the Seth Rich murder is much more likely to have been carried out by a “hired killer” than an inept robber. A number of law suits are in progress to force access to police files. There are even rumors of additional security camera footage that’s been hidden. Time for Congress to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate this VERY suspicious murder?

Lastly, I watched, again, the video from the Brussels Central Train Station terror bombing that occurred on Tuesday. People were screaming, running, and hiding as smoke and chaos filled the air. Then I thought of the attack the day before with a truck of explosives on the Champs Elysees. And then the June 6 hammer attack at the Cathedral of Norte Dame. And then the June 3 truck and knife attack on the London Bridge. And then the March 22 truck and knife attack on the Westminster Bridge. And then German train massacre. And then the Christmas shopping truck attack in Germany. And then the Bastille Day truck attack in Niece. And then the Paris concert massacre. And then the Charlie Hebdo massacre. And then on and on and on and on. How MUCH CARNAGE will the EU endure before it comes to grips with reality and puts an end to this MADNESS? How many innocent deaths? How much sorrow? How much fear? How much terror? When will the EU wake up and say “enough is enough” and MEAN it?

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