Permanent Critical, Part One May 26, 2017/ Uncategorized

Yesterday British Prime Minister Theresa May elevated the United Kingdom Terrorist Threat Level from “Severe” to “Critical”. She also announced that the United Kingdom would deploy its own military troops into…the UNITED KINGDOM! So, with the announcement of these dramatic measures, I wondered if the British leadership had FINALLY begun to understand the nature of the conflict that their country faces. For this reason I looked up Ms. May’s entire speech on YouTube:
I was SHOCKED at what I saw.

Maybe it’s due to the British penchant for reserve and understatement, but Ms. Mays speech had all the fervor and commitment of a stock report to shareholders! Maybe LESS fervor. She included all the perfunctory stuff about “our thoughts and prayers” and so on, but then went on to a series of inane platitudes, and non sequiturs. “Cowardice will always be defeated by bravery.” OF COURSE it will, Ms. May, because the brave will KICK cowardly BUTT! (When ever they’re allowed to do so, that is).

Despite the fact that the government was increasing the threat level to CRITICAL, she then said, incredulously, that: “I don’t want the public to be unduly alarmed.” WHAT?
You’ve just told us that the threat level is CRITICAL and that you’re deploying the army into your OWN country, and the populace shouldn’t be UNDULY ALARMED?!!!

She then came to the absolutely earth shattering conclusion that: “There is a POSSIBILITY that there is a wider group of individuals linked to this attack.” DUH!

And, looking ahead to the inevitable (and well justified) calls for decreased immigration and greater surveillance, she intoned that: “Our values, the liberal, pluralistic values of Britain, will always prevail over the hateful ideology of terrorists.” WHAT? Does she think POSITIVE THINKING will save the nation?!! Did pluralistic values defeat the Nazis? Wake up lady! Islamic terrorists are killing your CHILDREN!

Where, oh where, is Maggie Thatcher when you NEED her?

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