Catatonic Reaction March 2, 2017/ Uncategorized

Mr. Trump’s address to the joint session of Congress was notable for a number of reasons. I commented on both the content and the style of the speech in my post from Tuesday (Becoming President, 2/28/17, available on Facebook and my website). Today I’d like to comment on a different aspect of the session: the Democratic reaction, and what that reaction means.

Although quite a number of Democratic Representatives threatened to “boycott” the event, there were few empty seats, indicating that, despite posturing, the majority of Democrats just COULDN’T keep themselves away! As if to compensate for their great “noblesse oblige”, they made a point of indicating, however, that they wouldn’t shake Mr. Trump’s hand. Well whoop-de-do! As if Mr. Trump cares! Then, for reasons unclear to me, former Vice Presidential candidate Tim Kaine sat on the Republican side of the isle! IF he did it on purpose, it’s the first intelligent thing I’ve ever seen him do!

But the most remarkable thing about the event were the countenances and behavior of the Democratic attendees!
They were priceless!

Nancy Pelosi looked like she was about to cry, and continued to look that way for the full HOUR that the speech lasted. Her heavily operated on face would not crack (could not crack?) a smile or show ANY emotion what-so-ever for the length of the speech.

A dozen or so women representatives showed up in white, supposedly, we were told, to invoke the spirit of the Suffrage Movement, trying to imply, apparently, that contemporary American women DON’T have equal rights, a dubious proposition at best.

Bernie Sanders remained quite agitated. He absolutely could not SIT STILL! I don’t know whether he had to relieve himself or if he had restless leg syndrome, or what, but if he were in grade school he would have been given a time out!

Chuck Schumer appeared to be in a continuous state of puzzlement and wonder. Elizabeth Warren appeared, for ONCE, to be speechless!

But, of particular note, was not how the Democrats looked, but what they DID! Or, really, what they did NOT do, that’s so telling.

Catatonia is a type of psychiatric state (psychosis) in which an individual appears unresponsive as if frozen in place (the technical term is “psychomotor retardation”). That, ladies and gentlemen, would be the diagnosis for just about the entire Democratic contingent! The were literally FROZEN! Mass CATATONIA!

Now, it would be understandable for Democrats to be less than enthusiastic about highly partisan issues, like taxation, unions and voter registration, to give a few examples.
However, the Democrats present remained catatonic for issues usually considered bipartisan, such as job creation, law enforcement and appreciation of our military! They appeared especially hostile to the creation of a department (called VOICE, or Victims Of Immigrant Crime Engagement) to investigate immigrant CRIME! You read that right. They are, apparently, against investigating CRIME! What ever happened to the principle “No one is above the law.”? They must have forgotten about it!

But the most egregious catatonia was saved for the service men and women in our military. When Mr. Trump called for all present to acknowledge and thank our soldiers, the majority of Democrats DID NOT STAND OR CLAP! FOR OUR MILITARY! And then, moments later, when Mr. Trump acknowledged and thanked military widow Carryn Owens, two of the top democratic leaders, Deborah Wasserman-Scultz and Keith Ellison, did not stand or even clap! Talk about catatonia! Disgraceful.

So what does this deliberate catatonia mean? It shows the true colors of the contemporary Democratic Party. It shows they care nothing for bipartisanship. It shows they care nothing, really, about job creation. It shows the care nothing for victims rights. And it shows, in the last analysis, that they care little for America. The only thing, apparently, that they care about is staying in office and milking their positions for everything they possibly can. Well, the jigs up guys (and gals). We can see right through you. And we can see the future, and yours is bleak. Ann Coulter said it best: “SO! Democrats are for letting drugs cross our boarders, for failing infrastructure, for jobs sent abroad, and for importing terrorists to our shores??? The 2018 elections are LOOKING VERY GOOD!”

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