Kangaroo Court

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ February 20, 2017/ Uncategorized

The incessant barrage of left wing accusations against President Trump and his cabinet continues at fever pitch. Listening to this on radio and seeing it in print, a question comes immediately to my mind: aren’t the media participants at least a little EMBARRASSED at the obvious banality of their claims? Don’t they feel in the least bit GUILTY over the naked partisanship of their attacks? Do they think that the majority of Americans are UNAWARE of their subterfuge?

The furor over the nomination of General Flynn for National Security Advisor, for example, was absurd. Commentator Charles Krauthamner said it best in the title of his recent essay: “A Coverup In Search of A Crime”. Exactly. The so called “crime” that General Flynn supposedly committed, refers back to the Logan Act, which was passed during the John Adams administration and has not been used to prosecute a single individual in the intervening 218 years. It prohibits a private citizen from negotiating with a foreign government. But, was General Flynn really a “private” citizen? No. No, he wasn’t. He was a nominee for President Trump’s cabinet. During the transition, should he be criticized for initiating the communication and dialogue that would commence in earnest with his confirmation soon to take place? Of course not. But criticized he was. Viciously.

And, then, to top it off, our beloved media, in their continued calumny, began to criticize President Trump for asking for General Flynn’s resignation! Why? Cleverly, and deceptively, the media implied that BECAUSE President Trump “fired” General Flynn, there MUST be a “coverup” in progress! Oh no, a COVER UP! Call in the special prosecutors! Call in Woodward! Call in Bernstein! Find “deep throat”!… What a pile of horse feathers!

So, special prosecutors take note: President Trump asked for General Flynn’s resignation because both he and General Flynn knew that, in the “kangaroo court” of the leftist media, General Flynn had already been indicted, tried and convicted! Of what? Something! Anything! It didn’t matter. But the effect would have been to bog down the administration and reduce its efficiency in implementing the many reforms we so urgently need.

Sadly, this “kangaroo court” frenzy in America’s media is already adversely effecting our country. President Trump’s first choice for labor secretary, Andrew Puzder, gave up and withdrew his nomination just as soon as he “smelled the roses” of the coming media onslaught. “Who NEEDS this BS, after all? Thanks, Mr. President, but no thanks!”  And now, Mr. Trump’s second choice for National Security Advisor, Robert Harward, declined the nomination before the battle could even begin. As a Navy Seal he was bold enough to face enemies in mortal combat, but was not willing to graciously face the “kangaroo court” of the and dishonest American media. It’s a disgrace.

So, ladies and gentlemen, our esteemed media is, in essence, preventing the best and most capable leaders from taking office. Which, of course, is their objective. What they are trying desperately to do is to bring failure to this administration. Desperately. And if that failure means that America is harmed in the process, then SO BE IT! They are the opposite of patriots. They should be ASHAMED of themselves. Let’s pray that real Americans see’s their true colors.

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