Another Day Off September 22, 2016/ Uncategorized

Another “day off” on Tuesday. Mrs. Clinton, we were told, was doing “other things.” Other important things I’m sure. In a tight race. Other MORE important things. More important than campaigning. In a very tight race….Is everyone buying all this? Is everyone OK with that explanation? And what about Saturday evening’s interview on the NY/NJ bombings, in which she looked either intoxicated or drugged! Does everyone accept what the Clinton campaign is putting out of late? Is EVERYONE completely comfortable with Ms. Clinton’s health and well being?…Is everyone not the least itsy bitsy concerned that maybe, just maybe, Hillary Clinton might be suffering from something more serious than….ALLERGIES?….I thought so.

For details on Mrs. Clinton’s suspected health issues, please see my two previous posts (Worrisome?, and It’s All Coming Together).

Now, dear readers, it is with no particular pleasure that I report my concerns over Hillary’s Clinton’s ill health. Medical conditions of the sort that I believe Mrs. Clinton has, are very debilitating things, and NOT something one wishes even on those of a different political persuasion. The conditions I’m referring to can happen to anyone, especially as time marches on. Although “60 may be the new 50”, 69 years, (which is what’ll she be prior to inaguration day) is not an age of effortless good health and vitality. And having medical conditions does NOT indicate some character flaw or some personal failing. Being ill or infirm doesn’t, we should remember, reflect badly on the sufferer in any fair way. However, voting citizens can rightly be very concerned about the health or lack thereof of someone seeking the highest office in the land. And the most demanding. So, although no one wishes her ill, we can and should have the right to expect a certain degree of health, strength and stamina in a future President. It is obvious that Mrs. Clinton and her campaign are not being candid about what is really wrong with her health. This being the case, Americans have no choice but to come to our own conclusions. And those conclusions are not good. Not good for anyone. And especially not good for anyone seeking the Presidency of the United States of America.

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