Goodwill To Men? December 24, 2019/ Uncategorized

Of the many beautiful carols and songs that we cherish at Christmastime, a particularly contemplative one is “Christmas Bells” by John Gorka. Although the song’s music was written by Gorka, the lyrics were written by American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in 1863. Here’s an abridged version: I heard the bells on Christmas Day Their old, familiar carols play, And wild

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The Definition Of Insanity December 18, 2019/ Uncategorized

Albert Einstein once said: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but each time expecting a different outcome.” Judging by this standard, one can only conclude that America is absolutely out of its mind. It would seem that America is bent on repeating failed and even dangerous policies ad infinitum. Two examples: First, consider

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Desperate December 11, 2019/ Uncategorized

Yesterday, Jerrold Nadler (Democratic Congressman from New York State), laid out article’s of impeachment against President Trump. The most telling thing that can be said regarding this “development” is a simple question: is anyone SURPRISED? Is there even ONE PERSON in the entire United States of America that was in the least bit surprised by this?… I didn’t think so.

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Kaepernick Strikes Yet Again December 4, 2019/ Uncategorized

Well it seems that chronic whiner and longtime malcontent, Colin Kaepernick, is at it yet again. This poster child for all leftist causes must have gotten bored. After his 15 minutes of fame disrespecting America’s flag, its National Anthem, our police and armed forces, and our country in general, this national disgrace (as Marine veteran Jeremy Stat succinctly put it)

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Yet Another Impeachment Narrative! November 26, 2019/ Uncategorized

Yesterday I posted an essay listing an astonishing number of impeachment narratives (EIGHTEEN) that have been aimed at President Trump. As unbelievable as this may sound, yet another narrative has surfaced just today. This one involves lots of dramatic details: a navy seal, WAR CRIMES, Presidential pardons and conniving Navy brass. Through the auspices of our beloved media we learned

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Impeachment Narratives Change With The Wind November 23, 2019/ Uncategorized

It is absolutely AMAZING how many times the impeachment narratives and accusations directed at President Trump by House Democrats have changed. They’ve changed so often it might be difficult for busy working people to keep track of them all. There are at least EIGHTEEN! So, as a public service, I’ll present a list of them. First Narrative: Vladimir Putin CONSPIRED

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In Defense Of Men November 15, 2019/ Uncategorized

First off, let me make clear that I do not approve nor condone the abusive and repulsive sexual behavior engaged in by the likes of Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Matt Lauer and others that is featured all to often in our daily news cycles. The descriptions of their behavior, made by numerous credible victims are disgusting and unacceptable in any

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Much Ado About Nothing November 7, 2019/ Uncategorized

Day in and day out a cadre of Democrat illusionists and their lackey’s in the press corps are trying like the dickens to create impeachment drama. Secret testimony! Ooo! Meetings behind closed doors. Oooo! Witnesses under duress! Ooooo! Ambassador Sondland said maybe there WAS quid pro quo! Oooooo! Former Ambassador Yovanovitch felt “INTIMIDATED” by the President! Well, boo hoo hoo,

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