Packing The Court? September 27, 2020/ Uncategorized

In my last essay, “Supreme Frenzy”, I remarked how it was extremely unlikely that Democrats could derail the expected appointment of a conservative justice to the Supreme Court by President Trump. A Supreme Court nomination may, by precedent of the Neil Gorsuch appointment, be approved by a simple Senate majority (i.e. 51 votes, if all Senators are present, less if

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Supreme Frenzy September 25, 2020/ Uncategorized

The so called “election year appointment” of a Supreme Court Justice has generated enormous controversy. Almost from the moment of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s last breath, Democrats went into a frenzy at the prospect of a Supreme Court composed of a conservative majority. One of the most definitive statements on the issue, however, is, verbatim: “There is nothing in the

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Sometimes Things Are Not What They Seem September 18, 2020/ Uncategorized

The recently leaked officer body cam video of the arrest of George Floyd that was obtained by the United Kingdom newspaper, the Daily Mail, confirms much of what the already publicized witness cell phone videos show. But the new footage, reveals something more. Something that, when considered with important autopsy findings, is VERY relevant to determining exactly what killed Mr.

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Accomplishments Protean September 12, 2020/ Uncategorized

On Wednesday President Trump was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Norwegian Parliamentarian Christian Tybring-Gjedde for his efforts to foster a peace treaty between the United Arab Emirates and Israel. In his Nobel nominating speech, Parliamentarian Tybring-Gjedde acknowledged just how astonishing President Trump’s achievement was. The United Arab Emirates/Israel treaty was the first one between Israel and ANY Arab

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The Horror September 11, 2020/ Uncategorized

Just as there are people who deny the reality of the Holocaust, the Armenian genocide and the contemporary genocide of Christian minorities in the Muslim majority nations of Africa, I would not be surprised if, in the future, revisionists will try to change the “narrative” of September 11th, 2001. There have ALREADY been attempts to do so. Several high profile

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Shocking Dishonesty (One Simple Point) September 9, 2020/ Uncategorized

By now, most open minded Americans are aware of the partisan bias that pervades much of American media in both print and video. “Nothing new” about that, I’m afraid. But sometimes the unmitigated gall of the biased reporting boggles the mind. Below I present, for your consideration, the front cover of a magazine that claims to present a cross section

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We’ve Got To DO Something September 5, 2020/ Uncategorized

How long can we hide from the truth? And, how long until we DO something about it? From Eric Garner, to Michael Brown, to Freddie Gray, to George Floyd, to Jacob Blake, to Jorge Gomez, and others in between, America has seen a rash of officer involved shootings. All of these have spurred indignation, protests, riots, looting and violence. The

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Fanning The Flames Of Racism? September 3, 2020/ Uncategorized

The latest absurdity spouted from the bridge of the sinking Democrat 2020 ship is the claim that the Baltimore, Portland, Minneapolis, and Kenosha riots are the fault of… you guessed it!… President Trump! That’s right! If you weren’t aware of Mr. Trump’s participation in the riots… well NOW YOU ARE! Mr. Trump, it seems, “fans the flames” of racial hatred

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Not On Our Watch! September 2, 2020/ Uncategorized

Written in conjunction with guest writer Little Sister/LRM Time is running out! Astronomers have detected an asteroid headed toward Earth! It is predicted to have a 0.4% chance of striking the earth on Monday, November 2nd, the day BEFORE Election Day. But, unless it actually hits, we will all have a crucial decision to make on Tuesday. On November 3rd,

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Give ‘Em Hell! August 30, 2020/ Uncategorized

After watching President Trump deliver a riveting acceptance speech, two thoughts came to mind. The first thought echoed an impression I described in my last essay (The Contrast Couldn’t Have Been Greater, 8/25/20) which looked at the RNC vs. the DNC conventions as a whole: the contrast between President Trump’s acceptance speech and Joe Biden’s acceptance speech could not have

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