Pride Week, 2021 July 4, 2021/ Uncategorized

Well, last weekend wrapped up “Pride Week, 2021.” While most American special occasion celebrations (even very important ones like Arbor Day [April 29] or National Chocolate Day [July 7]) make do with a one day designation, the annual celebration of American weirdness can’t be contained, apparently, in a single calendar day. No, Pride DAY, I’m afraid, just won’t do! Ladies

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It Didn’t Take Long May 21, 2021/ Uncategorized

Ladies and gentlemen, it didn’t take long. Joe Biden has been in the White House now for just four months and already our nation and our world are going berserk. And the pace of the developing craziness under Biden appears even more rapid than it was under Obama – and that’s saying something. (See: “Remembering Barack,” 5/17/21). First, Palestine and

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Remembering Barack May 17, 2021/ Uncategorized

Because major American media sources were so forgiving of, and apologetic for, former president Barack Obama, readers may have trouble remembering the nearly constant string of malfeasance and preventable calamities that took place on his “watch.” Let’s revisit some. First, the economy. As summed up by the Boston Globe (no bastion of conservatism, I might add, being, among other things,

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The Ramadan Effect May 13, 2021/ Uncategorized

We can all breathe a bit easier now. Ramadan ended this evening and the reward for martyrdom goes back down to its normal level of 72 virgins. During Ramadan the reward given to martyrs DOUBLES, providing the worthy martyr with ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY FOUR nubile playmates. Source: Mid East Media Institute, Dispatch Number 6085, released on June 29, 2015,

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Have You Noticed? May 9, 2021/ Uncategorized

Dear readers, have you noticed? Have you noticed something important about Biden’s “first hundred days” record? I think unbiased Americans (if there is such a thing as an “unbiased” American) or, perhaps, just fair minded Americans, would describe Biden’s first hundred days performance as “mixed.” There’s been the constant stream of gaffs and non sequiturs, as expected. We’ve already learned

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The Age Of Irony: Bite Sized Ironies April 30, 2021/ Uncategorized

In several previous essays I have suggested that the mixed up era in which we find ourselves can best be called “The Age Of Irony.” In an effort to keep readers abreast of the many and varied instances of contemporary irony, will, from time to time, present some irresistible examples. A small sampling follows: >An article appeared recently in

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What The Media Didn’t Tell You April 26, 2021/ Uncategorized

As readers may be aware, in recent essays I’ve taken a position on the death of George Floyd that is controversial. Candid discussions with readers and friends have emphasized this point (thanks DB). The OPTICS of the event, together with the firestorm of protest that followed Floyd’s death, coupled with the shameless and self serving pandering of the Democrat party

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Looking Glass World April 25, 2021/ Uncategorized

In Lewis Carroll’s 1871 children’s novel, “Through The Looking Glass,” Alice, the book’s main character, together with her pussycat Kitty, magically cross through the the mirror above her fireplace into a looking glass world. In this strange place, not only are left and right reversed, but so is logic. And so it is with the mixed up United States of

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DESPITE The Evidence April 21, 2021/ Uncategorized

Well, dear readers, the inevitable conviction was handed down in Minneapolis today, surprising absolutely no one. And, sad to say, that murder verdict was handed down DESPITE, as attorneys like to say, “the preponderance of the evidence.” The verdict was handed down DESPITE the white powder all over George Floyd’s lips as shown in body cam stills, and DESPITE everyone

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