Mass Shootings And The Protected Class March 25, 2021/ Uncategorized

Whenever a mass shooting event is followed by a blackout as to the perpetrator’s name for a period of twelve to twenty four hours or more, you can bet that the perpetrator belongs to one of liberal America’s “protected groups,” i.e. migrants, Muslims, minorities and the like. You can also be darned SURE that the assailant ISN’T a white male, who would have been accused of a “hate crime” instantaneously and prejudicially.

Such fallacious “bias crime” attribution was the case, recently, by the way, with the Atlanta massage parlor shooter, Robert Aaron Long. Despite Long’s saying, quite clearly, that he did NOT purposely target Asians, but was targeting prostitutes instead (prostitutes, he explained, were TEMPTING him), he is STILL accused of racial bias, purportedly, I suppose, based on some type of invoked subliminal motivation. Interestingly, his rampage prompted wide spread protests. Although such protests were well meaning, how, exactly, do you protest INSANITY? And, what good might the protests do? Will America’s crazies turn on their televisions sets and say, “Oh, those protestors have a point! I hadn’t realized it, but I better become more “woke” and cancel my plans to shoot up some ethnics!”

But, back to the issue at hand: In this computerized age, police investigators generally determine the killer’s identity within microseconds of the aquisition of the first photograph, mug shot or fingerprint. It’s telling, therefore, that when the shooter belongs to a protected class, however, the information takes extra time to be shared with the public.

And, ladies and gentlemen, when the shooter’s identity is eventually released, it is invariably adorned with excuses of one sort or another. One of the most heavily used excuses is that the homicidal maniac had… are you ready for this?… emotional problems! So, as the media would have it, perpetrator “so and so”, who senselessly murdered X number of people, had… emotional problems. Well, OKAY THEN! NO PROBLEM! ALL IS FORGIVEN! The poor dear had, emotional problems, you see. Let’s not RUSH to any conclusions, shall we?

Well the same hokum is afoot with America’s latest mass murderer, Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa. It turns out, Alissa was a migrant from Syria. You would think that such a fact would be considered to be quite important, and would have been a part of police reporting and media coverage just as soon as it was known. But, Al Issa belongs to, not ONE, but TWO of the most protected classes of people, migrants AND Muslims. That’s a double whammy, isn’t it? Accordingly, the identification was withheld for 18 hours and the “emotional problems” excuse was trotted out forthwith. And, by the way, the police and media chose to spell the shooter’s sirname name as “Alissa,” in order, apparently, to sound less Muslim. The shooter, however, spells his name “Al Issa,” a undeniably Arabic appellation. And, this fellow wasn’t one of the “moderate Muslims” we hear so much about (but see very little of). Some of Al Issa’s Facebook account (now mysteriously deleted) was screen captured prior to its being taken down. Quotes from Muhammad can be found:

Also featured were conspiracy theories. In one example, Al Issa indicates that the New Zealand mosque shooter wasn’t the only one shooting up the place. And, early security agency investigation revealed that Al Issa planned to shoot up Trump rallies as well.

Now, despite needing to be a bit apologetic about the 10 people now dead at the hands of the Syrian migrant, liberals aren’t really hiding the case, which, with their pro migrant sympathies, you might expect them to do. Why?… Because it provides grist for the gun control movement, one of their pet projects. And the migrant angle, they figure, can be downplayed with the “emotional problems” defense. In fact, I’ll wager, that, instead of an assault rifle, if Al Issa used a meat clever as his weapon, the whole terrible episode would likely survive only one day’s news cycle. And, infuriatingly, since the shooting took place on American soil and was perpetrated by an American citizen, I wouldn’t be surprised, dear reader, if this whole tragedy entered government statistical records as… DOMESTIC VIOLENCE (which, in the liberal mindset, is synonymous “white supremacy”) and would end up being referred to as such!

And, the ever insightful Joe Biden, speaking out against gun violence, emphasized that “AMERICAN lives are being lost.” Did he think we would be LESS concerned about the shooting if the victims happened, for example, to be a particularly unlucky group of tourists from Guatemala? And, Biden’s brilliant conclusion, in so many words: America needs to BAN guns. Well, we’re not fooled, Mr. Biden. We suggest BANNING SYRIAN MIGRANTS instead.

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  1. Yes selective news watered down You do not get the true news only a made up story. They are pushing the virus to get people worked up The real news is not being reported . No pictures from the border kids in cages What about Hillary? What about Hunter? People have got to wake up.

  2. Al Assas accounts are not there now what do you have to enter in search to bring them up ?

  3. Please put me back on your post list …..

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