They Are At It AGAIN! April 3, 2020/ Uncategorized

Wuhan Virus has now been documented in every state of the Union. There are now TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY NINE THOUSAND AND TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY NINE Americans who have come down with the disease. The number of dead is now FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY THREE. Thousands of patients are on ventilator assistance fighting for their lives. Americans

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The Wuhan Virus: Reality Check April 2, 2020/ Uncategorized

I’ve heard it said that wisdom is merely an awareness of the obvious. A corollary to this truth, however, would be that “the obvious” is NOT obvious to everyone. A fair question we might ask, therefore, is: WHY is what SHOULD be “obvious” to all, elusive to many? First, quite simply, people believe what they want to believe. Something may,

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The Inhuman Disease March 30, 2020/ Uncategorized

The Wuhan virus is proving to be a most “inhuman” disease. All viruses are, of course, “inhuman”, or, rather, “subhuman”, which is probably the better term. I use the term “inhuman” here, however, because the virus is proving itself capable of stealing from us many of the customs and actions with which we express our humanity. The Wuhan virus itself,

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Perspectives On The Wuhan Pandemic March 25, 2020/ Uncategorized

Here are some thoughts pertaining to the Wuhan Virus pandemic: 1) I was pleased to see the the Federal Government, as explained by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, adopted “Wuhan Virus” as the preferred name of the current pandemic. As I discussed at length in my essay, “The Wuhan Virus: What’s In A Name?” from Friday, 3/20/20, there are several

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The Wuhan Virus And The Sublime March 23, 2020/ Uncategorized

As I contemplate the Wuhan Virus that rages across the globe, a severe winter storm rages across the New England coast. As strange as it may seem, I came to realize that both of these pathogens are manifestations of natural law. Both are as much a part of nature as a beautiful sunrise or a glistening rainbow. The storm and

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The Wuhan Virus: What’s In A Name? March 20, 2020/ Uncategorized

They have all marched to the tune. The World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and the national and international media have all fallen into lock step. The Chinese Communist Party demanded that the the world expunge all references to China when referring to the virus that originated there and is now ravaging the globe. And, like guilty little

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America’s Very Own Cuckoo’s Nest March 14, 2020/ Uncategorized

America’s Very Own Cuckoo’s Nest The novel “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” by Ken Kesey was a protest narrative about society’s intolerance of nonconformity. The book was wildly popular in the nonconformist 60s. It begins with an epigraph based upon a children’s rhyme, a portion of the original which goes: Wire, blier, limer lock Three geese inna flock One

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Grand Irony March 12, 2020/ Uncategorized

“Irony” is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as: “A state of affairs or events that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.” Life offers us, it seems, a parade of many ironies, big and small. The Canadian-American singer-songwriter Alanis Morissette captured quite well life’s quotidian ironies in a song from 1996 titled, aptly,

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