COVID Vaccination, Part Two: The Deceptions October 27, 2021/ Uncategorized

Dear readers, I have a question for you: What is the ONE thing that “right wing crazies,” “left wing crazies,” and “people of color” have in common?…. Answer:… they all hate the COVID vaccine. Yes, distrust, paranoia and political and philosophical resistance to vaccination unites and animates these seemingly disparate groups. I suppose it’s interesting, in a way, that they

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COVID Vaccination, Part One: Vaccination Hesitancy And Education In America October 23, 2021/ Uncategorized

I certainly would not suggest that American citizens are the stupidest in the world; I’m sure there are scores of other countries vying for that distinction. But, if one considers the fact that we are among the world’s best educated, and if one were to imagine taking the ratio of intelligence divided by the amount of education received, I believe

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Twenty Septembers September 10, 2021/ Uncategorized

(Adapted from a previous post on 9/11/16) Tomorrow is number twenty. Twenty Septembers. Twenty years. Two Towers. Four jets. One flank of the Pentagon. One field in southwestern Pennsylvania. Over three thousand souls. Four presidents. Two wars. Many determined enemies. Twenty Septembers later, America has moved on. As it HAD to. We treated the few survivors lucky enough to have

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The Biden Effect, Part Three: Pulling For Joe September 10, 2021/ Uncategorized

My last two posts took a brief look at the ongoing disaster that is the Biden Presidency. The breathtaking scope of this calamity has not escaped the notice of large swaths of Americans either. Some 150 retired generals, several senators and congressmen and numerous commentators have called for Biden’s immediate resignation and/or removal (via the 25th Amendment). Surprisingly, perhaps, I

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Scourge Of Humanity August 17, 2021/ Uncategorized

It didn’t take long. Just a week or two. They didn’t even wait for us to fully leave. Three weeks ahead of our full departure date, the “Religion of Peace” has retaken Afghanistan. Just like that. Without US military might, the Afghan “Army” collapsed like a house of cards. Without the bravery of US fighting men at the ready, no

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Proud Of What? August 6, 2021/ Uncategorized

Although it might initially seem churlish to criticize Team USA Olympic contestant Simone Biles for her catastrophic showing at the Tokyo Olympics, I’m prepared to relinquish any “good guy” bona fides I may have had, because Ms. Biles’ behavior at the games and, especially, the “woke” reaction to it are emblematic of the sorry mess that America’s psyche has become.

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PREPOSTEROUS July 15, 2021/ Uncategorized

As a promotional theme, the New York Times likes to invite the public to read their publication and then “join the conversation.” But the “conversation,” if you want to call it that, has gotten so bizarre of late that “joining the conversation” is likely to challenge one’s sanity. Contemporary America’s “conversation” seems less like a true conversation and more like

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Independence Day, 2021 July 4, 2021/ Uncategorized

In his greatest book, The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald, America’s greatest writer, described the sense of astonishment that early America’s European settlers felt as they ventured into this brave new world: “For a transitory enchanted moment man must have held his breath in the presence of this continent, compelled into an aesthetic contemplation he neither understood nor desired, face

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