Flag Day, 2022

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ June 15, 2022/ Uncategorized

On this day, June 14th, in 1777, the Continental Congress formally adopted what has become known as the “Betsy Ross Flag” (although seamstress Ross did indeed sew the flag, it was designed by Francis Hopkinson) as the official flag of what was then known as the “United Colonies.” It was comprised of thirteen stripes, alternating red and white, to reflect

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Get Out Of Jail Free

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ June 1, 2022/ Uncategorized

Today’s acquittal of Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann is but the latest example of a liberal jury giving a pass to someone who is clearly guilty, because that person is, apparently, on the correct side of the political spectrum. In case the reader hasn’t followed the Sussmann “trial” closely, I would point out that Sussmann ADMITTED to lying to the FBI

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Memorial Day, 2022/Rough Men

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ May 30, 2022/ Uncategorized

“We sleep safely in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.” -George Orwell as quoted by journalist Richard Grenier. On this Memorial Day, 2022, I want to thank those “rough men,” especially those who gave all for us, and who thereby have given us everything, and want

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Do All Religions Meet At The Top?

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ May 26, 2022/ Uncategorized

I’ve sometimes heard it said that “all religions meet at the top.” I’ve interpreted that to say that, although the particular details of the world’s religions are many and varied, they all espouse a moral and compassionate view of the world that leads to lives lived righteously. This view was especially prominent in the 60s and 70s. It was held

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Proving The Unprovable, Part Two

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ May 20, 2022/ Uncategorized

As indicated in my essay, “Proving The Unprovable, Part One,” from yesterday, the recently released documentary, “2000 Mules” by filmmaker, commentator and author, Dinesh D’Souza, makes a compelling case that the 2020 American Presidential election of Joe Biden, was tainted by fraud. In fact, during the movie he “crunches the numbers” showing that the election fraud existed on a scale

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Proving The Unprovable, Part One

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ May 20, 2022/ Uncategorized

A number of years ago my wife and I witnessed an amazing phenomenon. We found ourselves visiting the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota. As we walked into the entrance of the mall, my wife’s iPhone literally CAME ALIVE. It began chiming and displaying banner ads for some of her favorite stores, Brighton, J. Jill and others. She had NOT

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What, Exactly, Is Wrong With Murder?

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ May 17, 2022/ Uncategorized

I recently had the opportunity to watch an eye opening interview with retired Brigadier General Robert Spalding, posted on the Epoch Times, discussing the Chinese Communist Party (Thanks, RA). The starting point of the interview was General Spalding’s new book, “War Without Rules,” (available through Amazon). General Spalding is an expert on the Chinese Communist Party and has and has

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What Happened To American History And Civics?

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ May 13, 2022/ Uncategorized

Contrary to what you’ll hear from mainstream media, there ARE, sane, intelligent and thoughtful people who believe that the 2020 presidential election was tainted by widespread, but difficult to prove,* fraud, especially in “swing states.” These skeptics include writer Roger Simon, politician Adam Laxalt, former Senator Dean Heller, billionaire businessman Mike Lindell, author and documentary filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza and MANY

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Musk Saves The World

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ April 29, 2022/ Uncategorized

Coming of age in the 60s, it seemed that EVERYONE wanted to “save the world.” In America’s collective imagination, Superman, Batman and James Bond “saved the world” from the likes of Lex Luther, the Joker and Stavro Blofeld, and did so on a regular basis. In the real world, true heroes like John F. Kennedy (ending the Cuban missile crisis),

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