Nowhere To Turn
First, an errata times two: The 340 billion in US aid to Ukraine that I quoted in my last essay is wrong. The estimated amounts vary widely depending on the source (the discrepancies arise from how much “under the table” support is supposed to have been involved). It is generally agreed, however, that a minimum of some 113 BILLION real dollars did go to Ukraine from us. Next, German Websites dispute the claim that Germany has contributed nothing to Ukraine’s defense. Those websites claim that the equivalent of nearly 5 billion dollar has gone to Ukraine from Germany (some of this went to so called “training,” so how much real support was given is hard to know). Giving the German sources the benefit of the doubt, however, it appears that, while German support wasn’t zero, it still was not a substantial factor (5 billion in German support vs 113 billion from the US).
So far, as I had predicted in my last essay, significant funds to support Ukraine, have not been proffered by the EU. And it appears that the rumours of Democrat obstructionism that I mentioned are, in fact, correct. See the following link for further discussion of this aspect of Zelensky’s change of heart. As analyst Patrick Houck put it: “Zelensky received some seriously bad advice before his tense meeting with Trump.” Democrat Chris Murphy was, by his own admission, involved. And, this would appear to be a direct violation of the Logan Act, and that’s a felony. Democrats continue to be blazé about adhering to US law, don’t they?
So, the EU seems unwilling or unable to provide Ukraine with significant support from their own vaults. BUT, (and this is where it gets interesting) there are an estimated 218 billion to 300 billion dollars of Russian assets that have been frozen in U.S. banks since Russia invaded Ukraine. The question is, however, whether the EU can legally tap in to those funds to transfer it to Ukraine. THAT may have been the hidden agenda that the Obama/Rice/Murphy cabal allerted Zelensky about. Knowing Trump, however, neither Zelensky nor the EU should “count their chickens before they’ve hatched.” And, in my opinion, even if the EU can tap into the frozen funds, such a move would STILL be very foolish since Putin is likely to counter such a move with retaliation (?escalation? tactical nukes?) of some sort. Putin fears, I believe, an economic attack even more than he fears missiles. Such a move, would escalate tensions dramatically and reduce the chance for peace accordingly.
During the EU emergency meeting, Zelensky said flat out that peace with Russia is “very, very far away.” It may be hard for many Americans to understand this position considering the terrible toll of blood and treasure that the war has exacted from the Ukraine, BUT, it’s important to understand the absolute HATRED Ukrainians have for Muscovite Russia. First of all, Kiev (in the Ukraine) was the actual Capitol of Russia for centuries until the 1300’s. It was then switched to Moscow to be farther away from attack by expansionist Muslims to the south. So, like Moscow, Ukraine considers itself the “true Capitol” of the Russian state. But, even more importantly, it was Russia that carried out the most horrific genocide of the Ukrainian people in their history. Although American media is ignorant of this fact, and although the “left” continues to completely conceal it, in 1932, Russia MURDERED four to five MILLION Ukrainians. And I don’t use the word “murder” flippantly. Stalin considered Ukraine to be too “separatist,” and therefore too “counterrevolutionary,” and in 1932, Stalin addressed this problem the way he handled most thorny problems: SLAUGHTER. Under orders, Russian police confiscated all the food, provisions and reserves held by the Ukrainian people. They then cordoned off large portions of the Ukrainian population, thereby preventing them from leaving or migrating, resulting in plain and simple MURDER by STARVATION! Estimates are that four to five MILLION Ukrainians perished. There were reports of people eating clay from the earth and barks from trees. Such a savage history would fully explain the deep mistrust that the Ukrainians have for “Mother Russia.” Trump SHOULD understand this terrible fact, and as a consequence, understand Zelensky’s recalcitrance.
However, history aside, if the EU continues its unwillingness to provide Ukraine with the funds it needs, Zelensky has nowhere to turn.
Considering all of this, it is my hope that the three hundred billion dollars in frozen Russian funds remains untouched at present, and is kept “on the table” as a “bargaining chip” to incentivize Putin to end the war. Some of those funds should be retained, however, to help with the enormous task of rebuilding Ukraine. Perhaps a neutral intermediary (India? Sweden? The Hague?) could step in and bring both Zelensky and Trump back to the table in the interests of peace.