Pants On Fire October 30, 2022/ Uncategorized

Children are sometimes quick at smelling deceit, especially from their peers. As kids, when we encountered a particularly glaring lie, we’d exclaim: “Liar, liar, pants on fire.”

Well, dear readers, in 2022, we Americans find ourselves barraged daily with deceit of great magnitude. In this crowded field, one might think that it would be difficult for any one person to stand out. But, regrettably, this is NOT SO! Among a legion of shameless, unabashed liars, our “Commander In Chief” Joe Biden is a standout.

Speaking in Syracuse, New York, on Thursday, Oct 27, 2022, Joe Biden had the gall to tout… his petroleum policy! You read that right! He tried to show off his energy policies! First, he claimed: “Today, the most common price of gas in America is three dollars and thirty-nine cents. (Wrong: the US Energy Information Department says it is $3.76. And, lest you think that this discrepancy is small and unimportant, when you apply it to America’s daily consumption of 369 million gallons, this discrepancy comes to FIVE BILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR). But that lie pales in comparison to his next lollapalooza; Biden went on to claim that the current price was “down from over five dollars when I took office.” He really said that!

This claim, from a President who, on his first day in office, killed the Keystone Pipeline, suspended new oil and gas leasing and drilling permits for federal lands and water, and has been steadfast in his opposition to fracking, is especially ironic. In essence, he took a nation that was energy independent when he took office to one one that has a continued major dependency on foreign oil. His policies were so egregiously wrong that he recently ended up going hat-in-hand to Saudi Arabia, asking them to temporarily lower oil prices so that his party might suffer less damage in the midterm elections. (He was unsuccessful. In fact, in response to his entreaties, the Saudis actually CUT oil production, which will inevitably INCREASE the price per gallon).

Even, the “venerable” CNN, that usually runs interference for our beloved president, concluded, verbatim, that Biden’s claim “isn’t even close to true.” No kidding! From CNN! Don’t believe me? Look it up! (

The actual average gas price on January 20, 2021 wasn’t over five dollars a gallon, as claimed. It was less than HALF that. The average gas price on January 20, 2021, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, was $2.37 per gallon. Now THAT discrepancy between Biden’s claimed $5.00 per gallon and the actual $2.37 comes out to $327 BILLION PER YEAR. No small change, I think you’ll agree. Many are saying that Biden’s $5.00 per gallon claim may be the biggest lie of his entire deceitful career.

Of course, in the face of terrible approval ratings, skyrocketing inflation and a series of foreign policy blunders, what was Mr. Biden to do? What COULD he do? LIE of course! And, dishonesty is nothing new to the man.

It has been amply documented that BIDEN plagiarized sources in his law school review article. This was acknowledged, even, by erstwhile Biden supporter, the New York Times, no less. ( There have been other instances of plagiarism as well.

Aside from plagiarism, many other Biden claims are manifest lies. A big one was his claim, during his 2020 campaign for the Presidency, that he finished in the top of his law school class. In fact, he was near the BOTTOM; 76th in a class of 85. (

He also claims that he is “PROUD of his son, Hunter.” (Impossible).

And, further, he claims to be Catholic. His stand on abortion together with his immoral business dealings are quite contrary to Catholic beliefs and practices. (He’s been barred from the Sacrament of Holy Communion at least twice and a permanent ban is still being discussed in ecclesiastical circles).

And, amazingly, he has named his economic plan the “Inflation REDUCTION Act.” Many economists, including Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman, indicate that the plan will, in fact, do the exact opposite. Even the most favorable assessments are that it will be neutral. NO ONE is claiming it will reduce inflation., or reduce ANYTHING! (

There is more. But, I think it’s quite clear that Biden has earned the sobriquet “pants on fire” revived from our youth. Hmm, let’s see: “Pants on Fire Biden.” THAT’S IT! “Pants on Fire Biden!” Now THAT has a ring of truth to it!

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1 Comment

  1. Very happy to get essay. Very true. Many pants are on fire down Washington and everywhere. Thank you. Bob

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