Two Thousand Twenty One Or Nineteen Thirty Three January 21, 2021/ Uncategorized

Today begins an ominous new era for America. It begins the tenure of what is, in essence, a one party government. With Democrats in the majority and voting as a unified block and Republicans in the minority and fractious and feckless, Democrats will control all our branches of government.

Now, America has had one party governments in the past (the Herbert Hoover administration in 1929 was the most recent), but NEVER in American history was America ruled by a single party whose professed aim was to bring about FUNDAMENTAL CHANGE. Democrat schemes to “pack the Supreme Court,” add states, remove conservative judges, and censor free speech, all portend a new and frightening authoritarian future for America.

With this in mind, I can’t help but think back to a similar situation in another country not too many years ago. The year I’m thinking of is 1933. The place is Germany. The political party is the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or German National Socialist Worker’s Party, or Nazis for short.

During the fateful year of 1933, the National Socialists, led of course by Adolf Hitler, created a one party government. Like today’s Democrats, the National Socialists had big plans to radically change their country, which, of course, they certainly did.

Like America this past summer, in 1933 Germany, civil unrest, rioting and arson plagued the country. On February 27 the Reichstag (parliament) was set on fire. In response, the Reichstag Fire Decree abolished most civil liberties. Like today, free speech was prohibited and print was censored. In March, the role of the parliament was curtailed. The Enabling Act allowed Hitler to pass laws at his, and ONLY his, discretion. Violence, threats and intimidation, like today, were used to insure the Act’s passage. On July 14 Germany officially became a one party state. Elections in 1933, 1936, and 1939 were all Nazi controlled electing only party candidates and a very small number of independents. Like today’s FBI and CIA, Germany’s Schutzstaffel (SS) and Gestapo were politicized and used to investigate and neutralize opposition. Like today’s antifa and BLM, Nazi “brown shirts” were utilized to intimidate and terrorize. The rest, as they say, is history.

So, in 1933, Germany became a one party state. And we all know how well that worked out for Germany and the world. With no one to stop the Democrats, what will become of us?

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  1. I am already seeing the invasion of our privacy…friends emailing me with a political story and having it aborted before I could read it as “unacceptable”. Everybody should read Orwell’s 1984.. I am reading it now as “now”….it is actually beginning to be real..scary “Big Brother” is watching…read it years ago and thought it was unimaginable.. Family’s now being affected by turning against each other…knowing and doing something about it is scarry.. and Biden on his first day getting rid of 1776 Commission which preserved our past history in schools. He is moving fast…

    1. So true, Nancy. I quoted you in an essay I just posted.

  2. Hello Dr. Mastroianni Your post tell why they took History out of the classrooms…….Compare 1933 Germany with what is happening here in the U,S. Ours started with Obama ….. saying U.S. was not a Christine nation…….;..Ever day if you notice some thing small is being removed The mouse is eating away….People have got to wake up

  3. This “c’omn man” ( or is it”con” man) just using his power for payback of the term “Sleepy Joe”..?? This is taking vindictiveness to a new level— this be the case….

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