Election Reckoning

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ November 3, 2018/ Uncategorized

Up front I should admit that I don’t know for certain what will happen this coming Election Day. There are many forces at work.

There are two things that may favor the Democrats. The first is the American tradition of voting for the opposite party following an election sweep such as what Donald Trump and the Republicans accomplished in November of 2016. The second is that the Kavanaugh confirmation likely has “energized” the Democratic base, that had been largely lethargic because of the grave deficiencies of the previous Democratic Presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton.

There are several things, however, that will help the Republicans. First and foremost is the Democratic Party’s shocking embrace of radical leftist dogma. Most Americans, in my opinion, do not subscribe to much of the leftist agenda.

Most American do not want to abandon due process and the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

Most Americans do not want to see restrictions on freedom of speech because it may not be politically correct.

Most Americans do not believe in mob rule, seen today primarily in the Democratic “resistance”.

Most Americans disapprove of the migrant caravan. A recent poll by the respected Pew Research found that 57% of DEMOCRATS identified illegal immigration as “being a big problem”. Even Latino voters disapprove.

Many Americans have become, quite frankly, disgusted by the behavior of the Democratic Party during the Kavanaugh confirmation. They were offended by the disrespect shown not only to Judge Kavanaugh himself, but to the Senate and, basically, to our whole system of Government.

Many Americans are embarrassed by the antics of the Democrats and liberals: “pussy hats”, foul mouthed expletives from the mouths of Kirsten Gillibrand, Beto O’Rourke, and many of the Hollywood minions that have taken up their cause. And they eschew other signs of Anti Americanism such as kneeling during the Pledge of Allegiance.

Many have been appalled by the videos of Antifa demonstrators with face masks and crowbars committing violence and mayhem on our Nation’s streets. Many are appalled, also, by the intimidation and even violence directed at conservatives on campus, cabinet members off duty, Jewish advocacy groups, and others.

Many are shocked by the diatribes of Maxine Waters (“Mad Max”) with their exhortations to confrontation (…”push back at them”) and even violence.

Many are concerned about the aged and decrepit countenance, speech and demeanor of the septuagenarian and OCTOGENARIAN Democratic Party leaders (Pelosi, 78; Feinstein 85; Maxine Waters, 80; Chuck Schumer, 67; Bernie Sanders, 77; Elizabeth Warren, 69; Hillary Clinton, 71) and the obvious signs of dementia in their capo tutti capo, Nancy Pelosi.

Many are repulsed by self serving and self promoting posers like Elizabeth Warren and Corey Booker.

Many are terrified that a strong Democratic showing this November might inspire Hillary to TRY YET AGAIN.

Many are wary of America’s drift toward socialism. They know that socialism/communism has been tried on massive scales with abhorrent results in places like North Korean, Venezuela, Cuba, and Russia. They don’t want to try it here.

Many have become skeptical of the “news” and opinions purveyed on biased and partisan “news sources” such as CNN, MSNBC, NBC, NYT and WaPo.

Most importantly, most people are aware that America has done very well under Republican stewardship. The economy is booming, unemployment is low. Minority employment is at an all time low. Our international stature has risen. Isis has been decimated. False “allies” have finally been shown the door. America is finally standing tall.

And many have been inspired by a number of “grass roots” movements such as #walkaway, BLEXIT and others.

And, it seems to me, that the ONLY thing the Democrats can campaign on is their disdain for Donald Trump. It’s true that they CAN point to his erratic methods and his sometimes regrettable demeanor and communications. But, you know what? I think that America has gotten used to him, and, as a whole, doesn’t really care anymore. In view of all of the the things mentioned above, I believe they’ll take the bad with the good. In the last analysis, Donald Trump and the Republican Party have been VERY good for America. Even though the Democratic Party and the media will try very hard to distract us and to fool us, people KNOW that.

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