Real Jeopardy
The collapse of Obama Care repeal and replace legislation is the first major victory for the “resistance”. The ACA is a very poor system piece of legislation. Even Bill Clinton is on record as calling it “CRAZY”. It provides only very weak incentives to induce citizens to buy insurance (penalties much cheaper than the policies) and allows people to purchase insurance AFTER THEY GET SICK. And, while it is a affordable for the people on Medicaid (they pay little or nothing), it is prohibitively expensive for working families that are not subsidized (high premiums and VERY high deductibles). And, on top of all this, major insurance companies are pulling out of it like proverbial rats on a sinking ship. The ACA needed to be changed. It BEGGED to be changed. And now it looks like that won’t happen. Why? Blame it on Trump? No. Blame it on Mitch Mcconnell? No. Blame it on Paul Ryan? No. Blame it on the “resistance”.
In fact, this debacle is a perfect example of how the resistance is SUPPOSED to work. Let me explain.
The main reason that America’s legislators were unable to craft corrective legislation is that fringe members on the Republican side would not be coerced into “lock step” voting. They were ALLOWED to let their own personal predilections (and, perhaps, some re-election worries) override party unity. In days gone by, a powerful President or party leaders would call such renegades to task and explain that their future in the party DEPENDED on their support of party legislation whether or not they were enthusiastic about the legislation in question or not.
Now, in order to carry out such “strong arm tactics”, the President and party leaders (Ronna Romney McDaniel, Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan) must have STRONG ARMS. They need to be perceived by the legislative rank and file as “tough hombres” that better be heeded OR ELSE. Unfortunately, this just doesn’t seem to be the case, right now.
McDaniels (head of the RNC) is SO new that it’s hard to render judgement. Early indications are not, however, encouraging. Neither Ryan nor McConnell seem able to scare a fly. But Mr. Trump certainly isn’t a wuss. So, what gives?
The “resistance” is what gives. The “resistance” is doing exactly what it’s proponents hoped it would do. It’s making Mr. Trump’s tenure APPEAR perilous. Despite absolutely no evidence that Mr. Trump has committed ANY crime beyond a parking ticket, the constant barrage from the media and absolutely crazy Democrats (Maxine Waters, for example) makes it APPEAR that Mr. Trump’s presidency is in jeopardy. It is NOT. There’s NO smoking gun. This ISN’T Watergate. But that’s immaterial. If he’s perceived to be in jeopardy, he can “strong arm” no one.
And so, Republican renegades continue their short sighted grandstanding. And horrible legislation like the ACA will continue to be the law of the land! Our elected officials are SUPPOSED to be smarter than that. If they don’t wise up soon, the necessary fixes that floundering America needs will fizzle and then they, ALONG with Mr. Trump will REALLY be in jeopardy.