Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ December 26, 2016/ Uncategorized

It’s the season of joy! And, despite all the outcry and public displays of anguish that we’ve seen of late, the liberal and “progressive” members of the Democratic Party are secretly ELATED. They will, of course, deny this if asked, but it’s true none-the-less.

The recent electoral landslide (Trump = 306, Clinton = 232) as well as continued minority status in both the House and Senate, has given the liberals and “progressives” something that they haven’t had for eight years. Something that, privately, is their life blood, their elan vital, their raison d’etre. They now have…SOMETHING TO PROTEST! And protest is what they do best. In fact protest is really the ONLY thing they do at all. (Thanks for the theme LRM)

Now, think back seven years or so ago: How absolutely BORING it must have been for Democratic liberals and “progressives” back in January of 2009. Barack Obama had, of course, just won the Presidency. The Senate was controlled by Democrats (57 to 41) as was the House (256 to 178). (Source: Infoplease.com, Composition of Congress 1855-2017). Just imagine: liberals had COMPLETE partisan control of the government of the United States of America! Sure, that sounds like that should have been nirvana for them. But, at that point, what WAS there for them to protest? By January 2009, they were running EVERYTHING. It’s hard to protest YOURSELF, isn’t it?

Now, as hard as “self protest” is to do convincingly, some diehards did continue one sort of protest or another every now and again (unaware, apparently, that THEY were the ones running things!) but it was hard for them to gain much “traction”. They had great trouble FOCUSING their protest. A poll taken in 2010 found that a large majority of Americans were dissatisfied with Congress. That same poll found, however, that the majority of Americans were unaware that Congress was predominantly made up, at that time, of democrats! They really didn’t know WHO they were dissatisfied with! So it’s very hard to get serious protest “traction” when you don’t know who it is you’re protesting.

Along similar lines, during “Occupy Wall Street” protests in Zucotti Park in 2011, the “occupiers” held a meeting at one point that was covered by the news media. The purpose of the meeting? To figure out WHAT IT WAS THAT THEY WERE PROTESTING! Evidently, they were’nt quite SURE! The irony of this was, apparently, lost on the reporters covering it, as they did so with a straight face.
Anyway, those times must have been pretty bleak for progressives. What were they to DO with themselves? Oh the boredom! Oh the tedium! Oh the ennui!!!

Well, now “progressives”, you can cheer up! You can be joyful and be glad! You will soon have a President who utters protest worthy statements EVERY DAY! Maybe TWICE A DAY! In fact EVERY thing he (and his accomplices in Congress) will do will be protest worthy!

So, let’s get going! Come on, we can do it again! Ready?
“Oh, the horror! Oh, the indignation! Oh, the outrage! Let’s form the RESISTANCE! Let’s form a SHADOW GOVERNMENT! Let’s protest something! Let’s protest EVERYTHING! Let’s organize a rally! Let’s occupy something! Let’s do it! Let’s go!….Hmm….You know what?….HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN!”

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