And Now: The Losers (Part Two) November 15, 2016/ Uncategorized

In my post yesterday (See “And Now: The Losers (Part One)”) I discussed the “Biggest Loser” in the Trump/Clinton contest, Hillary Clinton, of course. But, in addition to the big kahuna, there were many other losers in this election, and THEY are the subject of this essay today. So, lets enumerate some of them, in no particular order: 1. CBS,

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And Now: The Losers (Part One) November 14, 2016/ Uncategorized

In my post from Saturday, I wrote about the heroes of the 2016 race for the presidency (see “Unsung Heroes, 11/12/16”). It is now time to write about the losers. Mrs. Clinton, of course, takes Best of Show in the loser category. I say this without any particular enthusiasm or joy, however. In fact, if she hadn’t slept through the

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The Logic Gap November 13, 2016/ Uncategorized

The protests continue. New York City, Chicago, Oregon. College campuses. They have been covered with exquisite detail by the media. They have been egged on by professors with axes to grind. They have also been energized by people who are paid by a variety of left wing groups to do so. In fact, since they are being paid for these

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Unsung Heroes November 12, 2016/ Uncategorized

It’s easy to see that Donald J. Trump is THE hero of this election cycle. His unwavering self confidence, together with an acute understanding of what, exactly, is wrong with America, pulled off a Republican victory against ALL odds! There are, however, unsung heroes, that, I believe also deserve our gratitude: 1. Julian Assange. Without his well researched “leaks” and

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Running Rampant November 11, 2016/ Uncategorized

Just a couple of weeks ago the liberal media, in concert with leftist commentators through out the land, were HORRIFIED that Mr. Trump might dare to legally challenge the results of the election if foul play was suspected. What a menace to our country! What a trouble maker! What a traitor! What a dangerous man! NO one uttered a WORD

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Legacy Zero November 10, 2016/ Uncategorized

Legacy Zero Posted 11/10/16 Barack Obama has finally made a statement I agree with. After nearly a decade of listening to this man spout clichés, tired aphorisms, silly nostrums, liberal platitudes and outright lies, Mr. Obama has FINALLY uttered something with which I can agree. In the last few days before the election, Mr. Obama declared, in an apparent (but

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Amen! November 9, 2016/ Uncategorized

On Jun 16, 2015 when Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the Presidency of the United States, the number of Americans that believed that he would actually win the presidency could be counted on one finger. Against all odds, against the New York Times, against the Washington Post, against NBC, against ABC, against CBS, against CNN, against MSNBC, against nearly

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What She’ll Do November 7, 2016/ Uncategorized

>My recent posts have set out to explain my rationale for voting for Donald Trump on Tuesday. They have centered on the overriding consideration, in my mind, that Hillary Clinton NOT be allowed into the Oval Office under any circumstances. >In my last three posts I have catalogued my strident objections to Hillary’s actions in the moral (Unforgivable), legal (Smooth

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Suddenly Wise (Again) November 6, 2016/ Uncategorized

> Well, it seems FBI director James Comey has suddenly become wise again! You’ll recall that he was deemed (by the DNC and liberal media) “wise” in July when he announced that Hillary Clinton would NOT face criminal charges related to her emails. In fact, he was deemed wise AND fair! >However, he was subsequently deemed “foolish” (and biased) last

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Smooth Criminal November 5, 2016/ Uncategorized

Yesterday I posted a short essay on what is, for ME, the primary reason to vote for Donald Trump, Hillary’s treasonous depraved dereliction of duty in not coming to the aid of Ambassador Chris Stevens and his team on September 11, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya (see Unforgivable, 11/2/16). Today I would like to present a second reason. Tomorrow I’ll finish

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