Legacy Zero

Littlechild@emperorsnuclothes.com/ November 10, 2016/ Uncategorized

Legacy Zero
Posted 11/10/16
Barack Obama has finally made a statement I agree with. After nearly a decade of listening to this man spout clichés, tired aphorisms, silly nostrums, liberal platitudes and outright lies, Mr. Obama has FINALLY uttered something with which I can agree. In the last few days before the election, Mr. Obama declared, in an apparent (but misguided) attempt to help Mrs. Clinton’s candidacy, that a “vote for Mr. Trump is a vote against my legacy!” And, he was RIGHT! And so it was! When the votes were cast, it was, indeed, a vote against his legacy. A vote loud and clear. A vote long overdue.
In fact, if one considers not just the result of the Trump/Clinton contest, but also considers the retention of Republican majorities in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, we can say that this election has demonstrated a complete COLLAPSE of his “legacy”. In fact, a complete REPUDIATION of his “legacy”. EVERYTHING he has done must be corrected, repealed or replaced.
I’d like to list my “Top 25” “legacies” (in no particular order) that require immediate attention:
1) ACA (the Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare”),
2) the JCPOA (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, also known as the Iran Nuclear Treaty),
3) His systematic replacement of many excellent Generals in the military and Pentagon with nihilist sycophants that espouse Mr. Obama’s twisted worldview and vision.
4) His systematic disassembly of our military.
5) His outrageous foriegn policy that insulted our allies and emboldened our enemies.
6) His complete indifference to unvetted and uncontrolled illegal immigration.
7) His destructive policy of “migrant” resettlement from the Mid East.
8) His cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline.
9) His OUTRAGEOUS support for the domestic terror group known as Black Lives Matter.
10) His complete politicization of the Justice Department, the IRS and even the FBI.
11) Countless “executive actions” that were, in effect, fiats, the likes of which you’d expect from a petty dictator, not from the leader of a modern democracy.
12) His complete indifference to the plight and even genocide of millions of Christians and Jews in Muslim lands.
13) His tacit support of brutal regimes in Cuba, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, and other countries.
14) His tacit support of openly terroristic groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as more covertly terroristic leaning groups like CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations).
15) His complicity in the infiltration of questionable Muslim individuals into high positions in his cabinet, State Department, Department of Homeland Security, and others.
16) His encouragement to thugs and criminals in our cities to “protest” the essential and lifesaving function of the police. 17) His guilt free playing “the race card” in American discourse (remember “If I had a son…”?).
18) His denigration of entrepreneurship and private enterprise (remember “…you didn’t build that”?).
19) His sad elitist, condescending attitude.
20) His eradication of the Judeo-Christian underpinnings of our society.
21) His support of laws that place men in the the ladies room and that dictate to bakeries which type of wedding cakes they must bake.
22) His unabashed disdain for ordinary citizens, the backbone of our great country.
23) His staunch support of an extremely heavy tax burden that has stifled economic growth and slowed our economic “recovery” to a crawl.
24) His repeated and embarrassing apologies for American greatness and exceptionalism.
25) His attack on our Constitution via Supreme Court appointments of “loose constructionists” Sotomayor and Kagan. Although it is not possible, of course, to remove his appointees, it will be possible to counterbalance them now with Justice Scalia’s replacement, and, with future replacements as the need arises.
I could go on. And the reader will, undoubtably, add additional entries I’ve left out. But the above list is a reasonable start.
So, there’s a LOT of work to be done. But, when completed, we will, hopefully, achieve an Obama legacy that amounts to zero.
Legacy zero.
Time to get started

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