Silence of the Lambs October 16, 2016/ Uncategorized

>Last week, the American Psychological Association announced a startling finding. Are you ready for this? Are you prepared for their finding? You are? All right then! The American Psychological Association has determined that:.. Americans …ARE STRESSED! That’s it ladies and gentlemen! American’s are stressed! Did they go to college to figure this out? Did they actually pay tuition money for

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The Silence Of The Lambs October 16, 2016/ Uncategorized

Last week, the American Psychological Association announced a startling finding. Are you ready for this? Are you prepared for their finding? You are? All right then! The American Psychological Association has determined that:.. Americans …ARE STRESSED! That’s it ladies and gentlemen! American’s are stressed! Did they go to college to figure this out? Did they actually pay tuition money for

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Name As Destiny October 14, 2016/ Uncategorized

With the media coverage of this presidential election reaching new heights of bias and absurdity (see my post from 9/12/16, “Common Sense Scoreboard”), and America rushing headlong into the political abyss, I feel that we all need a “sanity break” for a change. Accordingly, I would like to share a curious observation that I have made that seems to defy

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Name As Destiny October 14, 2016/ Uncategorized

Dear readers, with the media coverage of this presidential election reaching new heights of bias and absurdity (see my post from 9/12/16, “Common Sense Scoreboard”), and America rushing headlong into the political abyss, I feel that we all need a “sanity break” for a change. Accordingly, I would like to share a curious observation that I have made that seems

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Name As Destiny October 14, 2016/ Uncategorized

Dear readers, with the media coverage of this presidential election reaching new heights of bias and absurdity (see my post from 9/12/16, “Common Sense Scoreboard”), and America rushing headlong into the political abyss, I feel that we all need a “sanity break” for a change. Accordingly, I would like to share a curious observation that I have made that seems

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Common Sense Scoreboard October 12, 2016/ Uncategorized

>As of 9:00 this evening, Mr. Trump has shown no signs of “Trexit”, heading not, my earnest advice. (Big surprise!). Despite a golden opportunity to punt, it looks like he’s going to run the ball on the fourth down. So, with this in mind I thought we might take a common sense look at the “scoreboard” as it stands at

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Common Sense Scoreboard October 12, 2016/ Uncategorized

In this essay I’d like to take a look at the Trump vs. Hillary “scoreboard” as it appears at the end of the “third quarter.” I will endeavor to leave out the b.s., so we’ll call it a “Common Sense Scoreboard.” Let’s see, we’ve learned, from a leaked 10 year old interview, that: 1) Mr. Trump, not in mixed company,

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Trexit October 11, 2016/ Uncategorized

Dear readers, >If you have read my posts over the past few days, you’ll know that I am now advocating for Mr. Donald Trump to step down as Republican candidate for the Presidency and turn his energetic but flawed campaign over to Governor Mike Pence. (See “Win One For The Gipper” from 10/9/16). I will refer to this call for

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Win One For The Gipper October 10, 2016/ Uncategorized

>Numerous Republican Senators and Congressmen have, “boldly” and self righteously, raised their collective voices in a cacophonous chorus: “We Won’t Support Trump.” This slogan can be heard coming from the political rafters. While a small fraction of this chorus may be motivated by true moral indignation, the overwhelming majority is motivated, I believe, by the instinct for survival. Mr. Trump,

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A War of Words October 9, 2016/ Uncategorized

>The Democrats have worked very hard, right from the beginning, to make this election cycle a war of words. The reasons for this are straight forward: 1) Words are Hillary’s ONLY asset. She has NO positive record to run on. She has NO cogent plan for our nation’s most serious problems. And she has NO charisma. Words are truly her

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