Trexit October 11, 2016/ Uncategorized

Dear readers,
>If you have read my posts over the past few days, you’ll know that I am now advocating for Mr. Donald Trump to step down as Republican candidate for the Presidency and turn his energetic but flawed campaign over to Governor Mike Pence. (See “Win One For The Gipper” from 10/9/16). I will refer to this call for a Trump exit, borrowing a cue from those clever Brits, as a call for “Trexit!”
>Now, readers will recognize that a call for Trexit represents a change in my stance on Trump. I should now clarify that this change was not a consequence of moral indignation, or a condemnation of the political policies he’s advocated. As I mentioned in a previous post (“War on Words”, 10/8/16) the electorate SHOULD be less concerned with sophomoric B.S. from a younger Donald Trump, and MORE concerned with the criminal and unethical ACTIONS of the present day Clintons! And they should be MUCH more concerned with Clinton’s current PLANS for the future of our country. No, the main reason I have changed my stance on Mr. Trump’s candidacy, is very simple: I don’t feel any longer that he can win. A win by Mr. Trump in our brainwashed and easily led culture, was always a bit of a long shot, and hence the hesitancy of some Republican luminaries to jump on his wagon. However, what were somewhat unfavorable odds to begin with have now become, I believe, insurmountable. The Wall Street Journal/NBC poll from yesterday now has Clinton up by 11 points! Instead of continuing to narrow, the gap is widening. Short of some very dramatic event, Trump’s “path to victory” has become ever more narrow, and, perhaps non existent.
>I have written several electronic messages along these lines to the RNC and Mr. Trump’s own campaign. I suspect that numerous analysts and pundits have also sent similar messages. Although I hope that these messages will be considered, I am not terribly optimistic. If Trump remains the candidate, I think there is no good alternative, however, than full support from the Republican faithful. IF that support is NOT given, the election could very well be a LAND SLIDE win for Hillary, and that would giver her, effectively, a mandate for her extreme positions. With hell to pay.
>Now, the position of Republicans currently up for election is not enviable. As a colleague put it (thanks R.C.): “Many incumbent GOP officials are in a no win situation right now! Support him and go down in flames. Denounce him and go down in flames.” It is a shame, of course, that’s it’s comedown to this, but it has. I think the Republican Party, in the near future, must take a cue from the Democratic Party and restructure the rules of primary balloting, and enact a “super delegate” type of system, just like the one that prevented an absolute (and probably senile) flake like Bernie Sanders from taking the nomination.
>In the mean time, I don’t think turncoat Republicans can expect to save their jobs with an self righteous “abandon ship” strategy. As a consequence they should fully support the Republican Candidate, in an effort to, at the very least, prevent a land slide Clinton victory and the horrible mandate that would bring forth.
>Now, having said that, it is my true hope that, perhaps, tremendous pressure can be brought to bear on Mr. Trump by the leaders and luminaries of the Republican Party, for him to step down, and have Mr. Pence carry the torch.
>A “Trexit”, even at this late hour can still, I believe, save the Republican Party, and our Nation. But it must come soon. So, dear readers, please email both the RNC and the Trump campaign. If you Google them and add the word contact, a couple of options will come up. At the very least, it’s worth a try.

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