The Biden Comeback July 6, 2024/ Uncategorized

So far, Joe Biden’s “comeback campaign” is looking even worse than his debate performance. Biden and the Democrats THOUGHT the media would still be capable of campaign camouflage. And, why not? The media has run interference for lackluster (or worse) liberal presidential candidates MANY times before. As Ann Coulter has written on July 3, 2024 in the Town Hall blog

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Fake News You Can Trust July 3, 2024/ Uncategorized

Well, folks, after all of the post debate analysis and discussion, I think it might be merciful at this point to take a brief “time out,” and turn away, for a moment, from stern invective and “lighten up” a bit. With this in mind I’ll post a number of vignettes taken from the Babylon Bee. By the way, the “Bee”

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It’s All They’ve Got July 2, 2024/ Uncategorized

It has now become apparent what the Democrat salvage strategy will be: “LIES, LIES, AND MORE LIES!” As one Democrat apologist put it: “Biden may be a poor debater, but at least he told the truth.” He was implying, of course, that Trump lied repeatedly. The irony of this claim is, to say the least, breathtaking. My last essay presented

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They’re Digging In! July 1, 2024/ Uncategorized

Well, ladies and gentlemen, it seems that despite Joe Biden’s disastrous and demented performance during Thursday’s debate, the Democrats are… DIGGING IN! After the debate debacle, you would THINK that the Democrat Party would sit down with Joe and Jill and plan some exit strategy SOON so that they can get a replacement candidate in place with enough time to

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Aftermath June 29, 2024/ Uncategorized

There is much in the way of debate aftermath to discuss. In my last post I emphasized the fact that Biden’s terrible cognitive state, on full display in Thursday’s debate, SHOULD have been no surprise to anyone, having been amply demonstrated on a continuous basis over the last five years or so.The fact that it WAS a surprise for many

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Can’t Be Taken Back June 28, 2024/ Uncategorized

Singer/songwriter Eddie Vedder (of Pearl Jam) once wrote a song lyric that rings true as a bell: “Some words when spoken can’t be taken back.” I think, dear readers, that all of us can attest to the truth of that statement, and, perhaps, some of us may harbor regrets over something that we shouldn’t have said and, found, that, indeed,

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Reviving The Lost Art Of Physiognomy June 12, 2024/ Uncategorized

Reviving The Lost Art Of Physiognomy Physiognomy is a now largely discredited field of human inquiry that purported to link the traits of physical appearance with psychological traits and behavioral tendencies. At one time such analysis was held in high esteem even by the enlightened minds of the day. For example: “There is nothing truer than physiognomy, taken in connection

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Kafka Would Approve May 31, 2024/ Uncategorized

The novel, the “Trial,” by Franz Kafka is a haunting work of literature that follows the story of a man named Joseph K. who is arrested and put on trial for an unknown crime in a nightmarish and absurd legal system. With today’s conclusion of President Trump’s “hush money” trial, I can only imagine that Mr. Kafka would be very

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Look What We’ve Created May 1, 2024/ Uncategorized

For years now, numerous commentators, including myself, have warned against the massive unvetted immigration that our society has seemed unwilling to stop. Our warnings were ignored or were criticized as xenophobic, racist, bigoted and backward. We were satirized, mocked and vilified. We were condemned as “heartless,” “craven,” and “anti-Christian.” But, unfortunately, we were right. Our nation is now just beginning

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Blackspeak April 11, 2024/ Uncategorized

Modern linguistic theory acknowledges the basic fact that languages change over time. They are not static entities with vocabulary, grammar and syntax “written in stone,” so to speak. In fact, linguistic theorists now liken the malleability of language to evolutionary genetics, where changes (mutations) happen with some degree of regularity, such that it is possible to determine expected time lines

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