Cultural Marxism: What You Need To Know
Recently, during a political discussion someone remarked that there is “no such thing” as cultural Marxism. How that person arrived at that conclusion is inexplicable. I responded that within five minutes, on the internet, I could find at least five BOOKS on the subject, some of which written by cultural Marxists themselves. A quick search, in fact, yielded books by American radical Saul Alinsky (Title: Rules for Radicals), Marxist theorist Antonio Gramsci (Title: Prison Notebooks) and Black Lives Matter fraudster Patrice Cullors (Title: An Abolitionist’s Hand Book) among MANY others. And, please note, these are NOT books ABOUT cultural Marxism; these are books BY cultural Marxists. If one also looks up books ABOUT cultural Marxism (by Dr. Jerome Corsi, Paul Kengor and many others) the total becomes dozens. So much for cultural Marxism being “non existent!”
No, dear readers, it’s clear that cultural Marxism exists. It’s clear that it is real. In fact it is now so ubiquitous, many Americans don’t even recognize it as such! And, like the devil, the cultural Marxist’s “greatest trick” is getting us to believe that they don’t exist. Now, having vouched for the existence of cultural Marxism, the next question is, of course: “What IS cultural Marxism?” The short answer is that it is the most modern form of the revolutionary narrative of communist theorist Karl Marx. It is best discussed, however, by a brief look at its history, as follows:
Cultural Marxism began in 1920 in Frankfurt, Germany. At the time, Marxist/Communist activists were profoundly disappointed that, following the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, the proletariat (working class) world wide did NOT rise up to overthrow the capitalists (owners) and unite in one glorious Communist utopia, as predicted by Karl Marx. These thinkers concluded that the reason that world wide revolution didn’t happen is that the capitalists wisely allowed the proletariat “just enough” pay to keep them from open rebellion. The brightest among them realized that they would have to attack capitalism by first changing the culture of capitalist societies. I won’t go into the many many details involved, but thinkers such as Felx Weil, Max Horkheimer, Eric From, Herber Marcuse and many others came to this conclusion. These writers were associated with the Institute For Social Research at Frankfurt University and, accordingly, are often referred to as the “Frankfurt School.” They believed that, in order to bring about the “glorious” communist utopia they dreamed of, western civilization had to be DESTROYED first. And that’s just what they set out to do!
Cultural Marxists delineated a four step plan, applicable to any country or society they wanted to take over:
1: Demoralize
2: Destabilize
3: Bring about crises
4: Normalize under a Communist dictatorship.
That’s some plan isn’t it? It was successfully deployed in Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela and many other places. The United States is currently predominantly in the demoralize stage. Children are taught to despise their country. All manner of deviance is encouraged. All of the pillars of Western civilization are attacked: law and order (defund the police), the church (atheism), the family (free love, abortion), scholarship (mathematics, for example is said to be “racist”), charity (surprisingly cultural Marxists disapprove of charity! Why? Because it shouldn’t be necessary), free speech (They call anything that they don’t like “hate speech” and work to censor or suppress it).
Even though we are predominantly in Phase One, during the terrible summer of 2020, however, America teetered between stages 2 and 3. With the media and the Democrats in thrall to the left, and Democrat mayors unwilling to step in, America came perilously close to the brink. And, the stage was “set” for the violence, mayhem and anarchy that ran wild that summer, because rank and file voters were NOT (and are not) aware of the true nature of cultural Marxism. We Americans are, in essence, an open minded and tolerant people and inherently inclined to eschew “conspiracy theories” and to disbelieve the warnings of sentinel activists, labeling them “alarmists” or “extremists” all of whom should be disregarded or ignored completely. But, make no mistake, all of these well meaning but pollyannaish attitudes will be utilized by cultural Marxists to advance their nefarious agenda.
Cultural Marxism is “en vogue” today throughout our media, academia, and Congress. Now, that’s not to say that all individuals in each of these groups regularly read cultural Marxist writers or carry around Mao’s “Red Book” or Saul Allinsky’s “Rules for Radicals,” but the ethos and animus of cultural Marxism gets filtered down to them via the strong influence of academia and the demands of cultural Marxist activists that pressure, shame and threaten “cancellation” of reputations, jobs and livelihoods. Non meritorious law suits, boycotts and in person protests are frequent strategies.
I mentioned that cultural Marxism is ubiquitous. The reader may rightfully ask: “How so?” The answer is as follows:
When ever you hear the words “left” or “leftists,” think cultural Marxism.
When ever you hear the word “woke,” think cultural Marxism.
When ever you hear the mind numbing calls to “defund the police,” think cultural Marxism.
When ever you hear “cashless bail” think cultural Marxism.
When ever you hear the term “systemic racism,” think cultural Marxism.
When ever you see fetishization and celebration of sexual deviance, think cultural Marxism.
When ever you hear “equity” instead of equality, think cultural Marxism.
When ever you see indoctrination of our youth, think cultural Marxism.
When ever you hear Black Lives Matter, think cultural Marxism.
When ever Alexandria Occasio Cortez opens her mouth, think cultural Marxism.
I could go on, but I think you get the idea. And remember, although they couch their agenda in platitudes like “justice” or “fairness” or the “dignity of mankind” and the like, their unspoken goal is the destruction of Western Civilization. Why? Because only from it’s ashes can the phoenix of the glorious Communist utopia arise.
“Welcome to the revolution, comrade!”