What DO They Stand For?
By Little Child And Little Sister
In our last essay, we explained that the classic cultural Marxist agenda is still alive and “well” in the hearts and minds of today’s “woke” Democrat Party, but not among the majority of Americans. This leads the Democrats to a series of unpopular, untenable and even insane positions that make it very hard for normal people to “get behind them.” The partial list that follows below features the current Democrat agenda. Many of these items are so preposterous that they try hard to conceal them and use duplicitous and misleading language so that people won’t realize their true nature. Let’s cut through the camouflage, however, and take a look:
They are FOR government waste. They’ve howled so loudly when Musk found ways to eliminate billions of dollars of waste, they MUST be in favor of it!
They are, apparently, FOR fraud. Once again they are outraged when clearly fraudulent activity via USAID and other agencies is brought to light.
They appear to be in FAVOR of corruption. Several “kickback” schemes have been uncovered about which they are outraged.
It would appear they have a special place in their hearts for CRIMINALS. “Sanctuary” cities and states refuse to assist ICE and the federal government in their efforts to find, arrest and deport criminals, especially dangerous criminals. The city of Boston recently released eight CHILD RAPISTS rather than hand them over to ICE! They favor “home grown” criminals as well, with cashless bail and piddling sentences.
They FAVOR harboring migrants who enter our country illegally.
They are quite FOND of all manner of sexual deviance. NOTHING is off limits including pedophilia.
The are FOR endless wars as they have repeatedly tried to thwart President Trump’s efforts to end the war in the Ukraine. Representative Chris Murphy admitted to dissuading Ukrainian President Zelensky from agreeing to Trump’s peace plan.
The are COMMITTED to high rates of inflation, which ALWAYS steals money from the middle class. Their reckless spending insures that inflation will continue.
They are in FAVOR of economic recession, as their excessive regulations strangle productivity.
They are COMMITTED to fundamental unfairness. With young girl athletes being forced to compete with biological males that outperform them to the point of being dangerous, and favoring illegal migrants over American citizens.
They are quite ENAMORED with what we used to call INDECENCY with men in women’s restrooms, “drag queen story hours” and the like.
They are AGAINST free speech with their pervasive censorship of any content with which they disagree, calling it “hate speech.”
They are STRONGLY committed to VOTER FRAUD, as they oppose voter identity verification and favor mass canvassing and mail in voting.
They FAVOR vulgarity in the public square. Their “f**k Trump” rallies would never have been tolerated even a decade ago.
They are dangerously in FAVOR of antisemitism. Allowing threats and violence against Jewish students, hamstringing Israel’s right to defend itself, and failing to oppose Muslim animus against the Jews are all readily apparent.
And, although there are many other aspects of their “platform” that I could mention, I’ll finish with just one more:
They are hell bent on DECEPTION. The public face of the Democrat Party tries desperately to hide all of this. They speak in platitudes of “loosing our freedoms” and “discrimination ag